Yours truely ♡

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Babe, I'm a lone ranger
A depressed stranger
A holy priest giving thanks
An alternative Tom Hanks
Babe I'm a fool for love
A black dotted dove
A fucking waste of space
The loser of a race
Babe I'm straight up ballin'
Success huntin', money countin'
I'm just crying in the corner
An odd string with no tuner
I'm the king of the king the universe
I'm the driver of the hearse
The dumb old man, the no brainer
The holy one, the worst sinner
I am who I am but who I am is undefined
I morph from day to day
I'm the whole circus so come and pay
Give me praise or you'll be fined
I'm never the same, never different
Sorry for being blunt
I, oh I, singular yet hardly finite
I'll keep on being the one next to you at night
I might evolve again
But whoever I end up becoming suddenly
Despite the tears and the pain
Will stay yours truely

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