The Hello Kitty Murder (Hong Kong, China)

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In 1999, Hong Kong was horrified to hear the details of a grisly murder that happened in a third floor apartment in Granville Road 31. The victim was a 23-year-old nightclub hostess, Fan Man-yee, who was abducted by three men and held captive for more than a month. During the time of her captivity Ms. Fan was tortured mercilessly almost every day until she died. Her body was chopped to pieces and disposed along with the household trash. Her decapitated head was then sewn inside a Hello Kitty doll, and since the media are not known for their subtlety, the crime was dubbed the Hello Kitty Murder by the press.

For several weeks, authorities were oblivious of Ms. Fan's murder until a 13-year-old girl, a girlfriend of one of the murderers, went to the police complaining that she's haunted by theghost of a woman her boyfriend helped kill. The police just dismissed the statement of the girl, but she was persistent. Deciding that it would be less of a hassle to check the story than be berated by an angry teenager, they inspected the address given and were horrified with what they saw.

The suspects were quickly rounded up and given life sentences, but the story did not end there. In the months following the murder, CCTV cameras of nearby establishments captured images of a female form lurking in the shadows. Reports of eerie sounds and ghostly flames abound. Due to the ghostly haunting, the tenants moved out and no one else seemed interested to move in. The owner of the building was forced to close it down 

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