Chapter Twenty Four; Karan

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It was late at night when they found out about Kate and Zud. Karan was told that Henwy and Sigils had dragged the two lost members' bodies down the mountain. Both were covered in blood from being attacked by those cursed night creatures. Both had collapsed into Nico and Biffle's arms and refused to talk to anyone. Henwy had snapped at Florian when he tried to touch him to take care of his wounds.

A few days later, the camp was gathered in the Town Hall, staring blankly at Henwy and Sigils, who stood at the lectern at front.

"Henwy and I have decided to lead an attack on the piglins," Sigils spoke, his eyes staring at nothing in particular.

Only then did Karan begin regretting what they were planning.

Biffle flinched. He was seated a few rows away from Karan, right at the front, but Karan could tell that he knew the eyes of Nico, Gold, Karan, Frost, and Rafessor were pinned on him.

Say something, say something please. Karan pleaded. You're the only one who can convince them.

But Biffle kept his mouth shut.

The members gathered their weapons and armor.

They packed into the portal.

They marched across the barren landscape, lava boiled and threatened the shaken camp members.

Henwy and Sigils commanded them to stop and that was when Karan saw it. The tall, black building. A sanctuary for piglins.

There was no doubt that the clan they had attacked previously would be here. Karan winced, remembering how many piglins Zud, Henwy, and Sigils had slaughtered out of rage.

"There's piglins guarding the entrances outside and all throughout the fortress," Sigils explained.

"The admins, Karan, Gold, Alex, and Ambrew will dig into the mountain and break into the fortress," Henwy commanded. Karan shuffled his feet anxiously and glanced at Gold. His best friend's face showed no emotion.

"The rest will come with us to attack the piglins at front," Sigils added.

The campers split into the two groups. Karan started up the nether rack mountain, trailing just behind Florian.

The mountain loomed just above the piglin sanctuary. When Karan climbed to the top, he realized that the fortress was built partially inside the mountain. Karan turned to see the other half of the campers. Henwy and Sigils were fighting side by side. Biffle and Nico had been separated from the group and desperately trying to make it back to Henwy and Sigils. Jerome was protecting Siimii and trying to lead the piglins away without killing them. More brutes were flooding out of the sanctuary and that's when Karan realized Henwy and Sigils' true plan.

The second group was supposed to slaughter the defenseless piglins.

This is wrong, this is very wrong. Karan thought to himself, crouching down and lashing his scaly tail.

Karan looked up at Florian who stared darkly down at the fortress. The roof was just below them, allowing them to leap onto it without injuring themselves.

Alxton was the first to jump down, followed by Ambrew and Florian. Karan hesitated before joining them, every bone in his body screaming for him to stop, for him to say something.

Gold revealed his shimmering yellow pickaxe and hacked into the roof. A small section crumbled and gave way. Alxton jumped into the fortress, his dark sword gleaming. His fluffy tail disappeared from sight before golden liquid splattered across the floor. Ambrew was close to the fox hybrid's tail, assisting him and fending off the sick piglins.

The admins left after them, Rafessor and Frost also looking for blood.

Karan shot a sorrowful look to Gold. His friend's expression still blank. He was on the other side of the void to death.

"We can't do this," Karan whispered.

Gold looked up at Karan, "We have to."

His glittering yellow eyes stared down at the admins. That's when it hit him.

"No," Karan slowly stood. Gold had a special connection with Death. She told him who needed to die and when.

"I'm sorry," Gold replied, "I didn't know it was possible either."

Gold jumped into the fortress after sharing one final line.

"There's nothing we can do."

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