Chapter Two; Sigils

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Sigils scanned the crater and did a head count to verify that everyone was here, his inhuman green eyes searched.

Biffle, Nico, Gold, Karan, Ambrew, Alex. Sigils thought to himself. Wait... where's Henwy?

He spent a few panicked seconds searching the crater when he saw him at the top of the opening. Sigils couldn't tell which way he was facing, but immediately assumed he was staring into Sigils's eyes as he slowly pulled out his wicked netherite sword. Sigils fumbled for his own sword only to realize that it was lost in the last season of camp.

And that's when Sigils heard shouting from outside the crater.

Sigils quickly scrambled up the slope to stand beside Henwy. Henwy's dark brown eyes were focused towards the forest that surrounded the field. A group of people were steadily making their way towards them.

"I'm surprised you stuck around," Sigils muttered.

"I have a broken leg and probably a few broken ribs as well. Booking it would be suicide," Henwy grumbled in return. Sigils noticed him leaning very heavily on his right leg and the sign of pain from the twitch of his lip.

"Staying with us is suicide," Sigils cast him a withered look.

"Let me heal and I'll be on my way."

"That is, of course, if they don't kill us," Sigils waved a hand at the group that were now within earshot.

"Hey! Put your weapons down!" One of them shouted.

Henwy gripped his sword tighter. Sigils gave him a warning smack. He shot a very dangerous look at Sigils.

"I said drop-, hey, wait a minute. Henwy? Sigils? Is that you?" A somewhat tall man broke off from the group and sprinted up to them. Sigils immediately recognized him.

"Zud?" Henwy and Sigils exclaimed.

Zud threw his arms around them both and hugged them fiercely. Henwy let out a small pained grunt and Zud released them.

"What are you guys doing here?" Zud asked, tilting his head to the side.

"We crashed our time machine," Henwy shrugged, clutching his side again.

"Oh, well, let's take you guys back to town, shall we?" Zud smiled and signaled for them to follow. He turned to the group and did a small hand gesture. A few of them hiked down into the crater and one approached Zud.

Sigils scanned everyone's faces. He saw Loaf and Lookumz trot down into the hole. The one who had stayed was Kate. She beamed and trotted over to them.

"Sigils! Henwy! It's great to see you!" Kate exclaimed. She gave both of them a soft hug.

After some words were traded between the four, Zud and Kate took them to a small town. There, they met Siimii, Frost, Florian, Rafessor, and Jerome.

The admins led them to a medicine shack where they tended to everyone's wounds and set Henwy's broken leg and ribs with the help of healing potions.

The rest of the day was spend healing or building houses. Sigils distanced himself from the rest of the group, but kept a sharp eye on Henwy.

The day came and went and by the time the sun had almost set, Sigils didn't feel a trace of pain from the crash.

It's always been crazy to him how quickly healing potions work.

He was sitting on the shiny new front porch of his house, gazing out at the town that had significantly grown larger. There were already a few shops before Sigils and his friends came but now there were houses speckling the valley and an entire marketplace that reminded Sigils of the marketplace in Season Two.

Bonds of Death; A Camp Minecraft AUWhere stories live. Discover now