Chapter Seventeen; Rafessor

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Wilbur's body had been buried a few days ago. Siimii and Zud were very distraught, talking very little to the admins.

Rafessor was at the infirmary, cleaning the room Wilbur had once occupied.

"Oh my god, calm down. You're going to break that table if you keep scrubbing like that," A voice yelped behind him.

He let out a sigh and turned to see the Goddess of Death. The black dragoness was leaning against the windowsill on the opposite side of the room.

"Piglin blood entering your body can cause a deadly virus and I don't plan on loosing anyone else, now what do you want?" Rafessor asked, turning back to the table, continuing his work.

"Ah, well the problem is that I came here to talk about you loosing someone else. I guess you could simplify it to 'The Goddess of Death is lonely and wants more friends'. Your sister and Wilbur have been getting along well, though," The Goddess of Death shrugged and started fiddling with a glass vial.

Rafessor crossed the room and snatched the glass vial from her talons, "Don't touch that."

Rafessor went back to cleaning. The Goddess of Death watched him quietly.

"If you scrub that table any harder I'm going to have to take it with me," She observed.

"Will you just shut up?" Rafessor snarled.

"Sorry, I'm just trying to lighten the mood."

"Jokes about death is not lightening the mood," Rafessor shot back.

The monster watched Rafessor continue cleaning.

"Don't feel bad about Wilbur," The goddess said slowly.

Rafessor didn't stop.

"You know what has to happen," She grabbed his shoulders and spun him around so he looked her in the eyes.

"I can't," Rafessor said, his voice cracking.

"You have too. It's for the best of everyone."

"Almost everyone."

"[REDACTED] and [REDACTED] don't matter," The dragon growled.

"It's for the best," Rafessor murmured, his head drooping so he looked at his feet.

The dragoness wrapped her arms around him and hugged the admin.

"It's for the best."

There is information you cannot know.

Leave them behind.

Understand the truth.

Stop resisting.

Trust the process.

If you do, you will survive.

Bonds of Death; A Camp Minecraft AUWhere stories live. Discover now