Pups Save The Turbots

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Snowflake's POV

I was outside playing limbo with Emmett and his brothers, and it was my turn to go under the stick.

" This is so much fun. " I said happily. Although I was missing my dad, Marshall, I was still having a lot of fun playing with the other puppies. 


Later that night....

All the other dogs had gone to bed and so did I. My pup house is close to my dad's. But every time I looked at my dad's pup house, I found it hard to sleep. I really do miss him.                        Even though, I know he'll be back home tomorrow morning, It just felt so empty without being close to him. So, I decided to go sleep in the lookout for tonight.

The lights were turned off so I jumped on a bean bag and tried to fall asleep. But, all of a sudden, the lights came on which woke me up. I turned around to see that it was Ryder.


Ryder's POV

I went downstairs(through the elevator) to get a drink of water and when I turned on the lights, I was surprised to see Snowflake was on a bean bag. I guessed since Marshall left, she must feel really empty sleeping without him next to her pup house. 

" Snowflake, why are you sleeping inside? " I asked her.

" Sorry Ryder. I just miss my dad. It feels empty when I'm sleeping in my pup house without him."

" It's ok. Why don't you come sleep in my bed? "

" Really? "

" Yeah, I know how much you miss your dad. "

" Thanks Ryder. " Snowflake said, as she jumped into my arms and licked my face.


I took Snowflake up to my room and put her my bed, luckily she had just fallen asleep. I then went downstairs to get water when I just received a call on my pup pad, and I answered it.

" Oh, hi Cap 'n' Turbot. " I said.

" Ryder, Francois and I are stuck in a cave in the forest. "

" Oh no, what happened? "

" Well, we were just walking through the forest to research some fascinating creatures until stumbled upon a group of ocelots sleeping peacefully. But we accidentally woke them up and they started chasing us into this cave and some heavy rocks fell on the entrance of the cave and now we can't get out. " 

" How did the jaguars wake up when they were sleeping peacefully? "

" Fortunately, it was Francois' fault. "

" Well, excuse me for taking pictures of such interesting species!!" Francois yelled from the background.

" That's not all, Ryder, is that a baby ocelot ran into the cave with us and it's trapped with us too. "

" Oh no. That really does sound dangerous. But don't worry Cap 'n' Turbot. No job is too big, no pup is too small. "

I ended the call and then assembled the pups. " Paw Patrol, to the lookout. "

Snowflake heard me assembling the pups, which is why she had put on her gear and stood in her position. 

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