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The urge to act recklessly was like a whisper of sin caressing Chen Li Sha's ear. Warning signs had been bombarding her mind ever since Carlos went missing during their mission but not this bad. There were too many suspicious hints not to ignore. 

The first time could be a coincidence, but twice? Thrice? Who would believe it was as simple as that?

"Li Sha! You have a delivery!" Zhu Mu Yang's voice rang from the outside of her room. 

She put on her slippers and rushed downstairs, breezing past Zhu Mu Yang. When she reached the living room, the other guys were too occupied with their game controllers to notice her.

Upon reaching the door, she swung it open, signed, and took the parcel before dashing back to her bedroom.

She opened the small box with her brand-new phone. Glancing around, she could not feel fully secure until she placed a silence talisman on the wall.

Once done, she dialed a familiar number on her phone. She needed help or else she would act on her own and no one would want that. At least after that incident, she grew a self-awareness when everybody who knew her would testify that she was always on the brawls over brain side.

As she waited, she could not help but ponder how could Carlos and Shu Xin be connected.

They were in the same organization but that did not mean everyone was associated. Most of the time, their territory, their problem. No one interfered with their respective countries as much as they could. The only exceptions were cases when the Hinirang would act, just like this one.

"Wei?" (Hello?)

The call finally connected. She put the phone in her ear and greeted the man on the other end. "Jiaofu."

He clicked his tongue. "It's Shouxi."

"Jiaofu..." The syllables dragged on her lips, making it endearing to anyone who listened.

When an exhale echoed on the other end, she knew she had won right away. Except for her parents, there was only one person who could indulge her every whim — the greatest warrior god of Heaven and the Chief of China Branch, Er Lang Shen.

"What trouble did you make this time?"

"Jiaofu, you're so mean. What trouble? Can't I just call you because I miss you?"

He snorted. "Stop blowing a fart. You didn't even call your parents and you're calling me. Did you break your phone again? Your mother has been pestering me nonstop since she cannot reach your phone."

"She's in Mount Kunlun, of course, she won't reach me."

"They're here in the mainland—"


"Of course. Why should I lie to you? I—"

Completely forgetting about the favor she wanted to ask, she ended the call and typed in her mother's number.

"Muqin!" She greeted the moment the phone beeped.

"Ah, Chong-er! How is my precious child? Did anyone attempt to torment you? Why weren't you answering your phone?"

The intimate soothing voice laced with worry resounded. Chen Li Sha's lips could not help but tug on the corners. Her mother, Xi Wang Mu, was still the same and resembled a typical worrywart mom.

"It broke yesterday."

"Fortunately. I had thought worse. I still cannot believe they sent you to such a dreary place. Muqin is so regretful that I was too late to be aware of your situation. If I ever knew who conspired such insidious act, I will gut—"

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