(Main Story) St. Gloriana's Vale of Class and Respect

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After Edward asked Lee to have lunch with him Edward was waiting for Lee to arrive as he did he thought back to his limited time in the "Hell on earth" school called St. Gloriana


It was after school and Edward saw a familiar face

"Hello Miss Elizabeth!" Edward shouted at her

But no matter how loud he shouted she wouldn't turn to face him, after Edward shouted a short girl with dark orange hair came up to Elizabeth

"What are they talking about?" Edward asked himself "Ok, if she won't notice me by herself.... I'll make her notice me!"

Edward then ran up to Elizabeth and tapped her shoulder lightly

"Hello, Elizabeth!" He said with a smile on his face

"Get away from me!" She shouted back at him "And to you its Darjeeling, got it!?"

"Y-Y-Yes m-ma'am"

"Good,you men are insufferable and disgusting pigs! If I could I would expel you this instant!" She shouted with a stern look and a face of pure fury

Flashback End

"Eddie are you ok?" Lee asked

"H-huh?" Edward didn't realise it but he had tears streaming down his face dripping to the ground "Oh yes! I'm totally fine!"

"You don't seem fine?" Alisa asked from behind Lee

"Oh um, Who are you miss?" Edward tried as he did but he couldn't hide his tears

"Alisa and that is Naomi"


"Oh yeah, I invited them here to eat lunch with us, if you don't mind?" Lee asked Edward still concerned for him

"Oh I don't mind at all! In fact I'd love too!" Edward try as he must couldn't change the subject from him crying alone

"O..Kay" Naomi said uncomfortably "Wants some gum?"

"Sure!" Edward said delightedly

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