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"Flo," Isla whispered my name, gently nudging me with her hand. I groan, mostly because I did not get enough sleep to be able to function, Isla and Jere went out last night, and despite me being asleep when she got back into our shared room, my best friend proceeded to wake me up and tell me about her night, not skipping out on any details. I'm happy for her, of course, but hearing how great of a kisser Jeremiah Fisher (who is practically my little brother) is, is not something I'm particularly fond of. "You've got to get up. It's the big day."

"You make it sound like I'm getting married," I grumble, rolling my eyes as I turn to face her. Isla was already dressed for the day in a pair of cut-offs and an oversized hoodie that I recognized as Jeremiah's.

"If Conrad was your date, maybe it could lead to that," She winks, placing a steaming cup of coffee on my nightstand, "you know, I still don't get why you didn't ask him to be your date? You guys seem so friendly lately."

Conrad and I have been friendly. She's not wrong. It's just... despite my heart longing for it to be more, I know it can't be. Conrad has the world on his shoulders, dealing with his mom, his brother and his future. I will not be some added stress that Conrad needs to worry about. If we went to the ball, it'd ruin everything.

I also haven't really talked to Belly about the whole Conrad thing... Things are just beginning to feel normal again between us, and even if her and Cam are still hanging out, I don't know where her heart lies. I don't know if me and Conrad becoming more will crush my little sister and ruin our relationship.

"It's just easier this way," I shrug, grabbing the cup of coffee between my hands once I'm sitting up, "less messy."

"You're not putting everyone else over your own happiness again, right?" Isla asks. Sometimes, it's a little startling how well Isla knows me. It's like she can read my mind. I shake my head, which isn't a complete lie. If she knew about Susannah, she'd understand. Conrad's got too much on his plate, and I'm happy to be his friend. "I don't believe you..." She quirks her brow at me, "but we really don't have time to argue. There's a surprise waiting for you downstairs."

"A surprise?" I question, suddenly feeling more awake, "did you and Jere go out to get some of the good muffins?"

Isla simply shrugs in response, walking out my bedroom door, "guess you'll just have to come downstairs and see for yourself."

Despite being half-awake and my body longing to stay in my bed for the rest of the day, I pull myself out of bed, trudging behind Isla, who is practically skipping down the stairs excitedly. The house is abuzz, the scent of coffee wafting through the house and old music playing from the radio in the kitchen.

I am pulling my hair into a messy bun as I walk behind Isla into the living room, my eyes landing on the dress that's hanging by the window. Isla stands on one side of the gown, excitedly gesturing to it, bouncing on the balls of her feet excitedly, "ta-da," She exclaims, "what do you think?"

Beside her is Conrad and Jere, both smiling and waiting to see how I react, "Isla," I shake my head in disbelief. This dress wasn't cheap, and I'd assumed she'd forgotten about it, "I don't..." I stutter, moving closer to touch the soft satin fabric, "I..." I shake my head once more, smiling at her, "you got me the dress?"

"Oh, I'm just the messenger," She informs me. Her smile somehow grows even wider as she nudges Conrad, whose cheeks are growing a warm shade of pink, "this was all, Conrad."

Conrad runs his fingers through his hair, tugging at the ends anxiously, and my heart soars. Feeling like it might burst out of my chest at any moment, "You uh looked so uncomfortable in your other dress," Conrad admits, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly. "And when I brought it up to Isla, she mentioned this other dress you tried on. I, uh, picked it up this morning when the shop opened."

Cruel Summer - Conrad FisherWhere stories live. Discover now