"W-why is this child here?!"

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Before I start I would like to say thank you so so SO much when you read this books and others that I made I just hope you happy and not sad..okay?? Okay enough sad talk

Jessica POV:
"Well I was waiting for you guys then a hear an cry then a scream and so here I am" I look at the child..and remember..me and my brother...me on the floor and crying with...BLOOD...on my head..and brother saying 'WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!' I...remember..why my parents are gone...then I said "can I try claming her down?" Olivia looks at me and nods Olivia stands up and walks out of my way and I go to the child I grabbed her... gently...and I...I...sang.."make this...sadnesss go away it's really..hurting me..in the heart...you are the best in my per...spective" and the song go's on when I was done everyone (except for Lucas)was shock it was awhile... ever since the accident... Lukas knows about the accident...right after that....I didn't sing for 14 years...it's was hard it kept..it in...but the song wasn't really good but I know was the child was asleep and that was that I wanted asleep...not caring...about anything what's happening...just sleep..ing....

Lukas POV:
..Eh...Jess is amazing singer...but...she...stop..after...snowy died...she called it an "accident" the night that he died he was an fox I called it foxy...but it wasn't mine...but I didn't know the fox was jess and I forgot when we were little we would play together and the fox would be in it too...on...Jan 12...on her brothers birthday we were up on a hill and...I feel really...bad...saying this but... Jess accidentally...pushed....snowy...off the hill and kill it...Jess cried so much I even couldn't handle it I cried too.... I also saw something else..."Jessica..?" She looks at me,"d-did you do that cuz you though-" she cuff me off and...walk to my ear and said "I sang cuz she reminded of my-" Jess got cut off bye axle and said "jesse wth are you doing?" She looks at axle then axle said ,"sorry, I leave you alone...(with Lukas) I heard that really...I don't mind cuz this would be weird if me and jess wouldn't be dating—wait..if we are an thing now that means..I should...ask her...someday... I look at Jess then at axle and at point Jess looks at axle then Jess said "axle...why?" he didn't reply then Jess look at the child and said in a clam voice "dear? Where did you come from?" The child didn't say anything but put her hands up and then said "a-Ava..." I got confused... was the at her name Orr?? Her mother's name?

The child kept saying...Ava at this point I think I'm going insane.....I..lost my insanity with the witherstorm ugh the child is a cute child...but really...I can't unhear-"AVA!" I close my ears and said "someone kill  me now..." and right after I said that...Jess gaves is a pun..."oh okay Lukas you asked for this how do trees log in?l Oh god not this," they just..LOOG in?!" Very one go's "Jesse!!" We kept on walk back to beacontown and...the child stop and said "h-home?" I look at her and back at the door then the door opens the child just stood there and ran into the beacontown Town square I ran after her so did axle then axle yelled "CHILD COME HERE!!" I sigh then I replied "axle that's..not how you..call a child..I don't think...at least" then axle got rude and said "whatever" me and axle saw the child and she was see the beacon the was in the middle and she looked...scared or sad ..then said "t-this isn't right..where are...mommy? And daddy? This is not my home..? Did...they...leave me? Did they did they did they? Did they did they? Did they? Did they? did they? did they? did they? Did they? Did they? Did they? Did they? Did they? Did they? Did they? Did they? Did they? Did they? Did they? Did they? Did they? Did they? Did they? Did they? Did they? Did they? Did they? Did they? Did they. Did they? Did they? Did they? Did they ? Did they? Did they? Did they? Did they? Did they? Did they? Did they? Did they?? Did they? Did they?did they? Did they? Did they? Did they? Did they did they did they did they did they did they did they did they did they did they did they did they did they THEY DID..." she looks at the floor I look at axle and wiser "is she okay??" He shook he's head no and i continues "oh damn... I feel sorry for this girl parents...I really do feel bad me and axle grabs her Arm and when the give her to her parents that we found out and she screamed "NOOOOO N-NOT DON'T GAVE ME AWAY NOOOOOOOOOOOO THEYYY HATE MEE!! THEY GOING TO HURT MEEE PLS!!! DON'T GIVE AWAY  NOOOO!!!!" Me and axle felt really bad...for what we did...but we had too...we go back we're the rest was and Jessica said "are you okay? She was crying and scream..?" I nod then i said "she 100% fine" Jessica sighs then ding her phone when off and she checked it her widen..and close her eyes something was off...then I got a message from her saying pls come with me...please... i Text her back yes i will my love~~ she text back to me baby...~ I love you~~ awww~ she so cute~ I just want too...huh what I'm saying? Are we old enough? I can't help it..she just to cute... mind how about we think about this later? Okay me and Jess were walk to her home and my eyes widen I see Sarah Jessica's big sister...gone... I look at Jess her hands are in a ball and one tear fell and a lot fell i grabbed Jess and hugged her and Jess cried in my chest it felt like the time with sowny crying like someone isn't there I-I cried too... it's too sad for me then Jessica said in sad way "l-Lukas...don't you DARE leave me...dieding early...or dumping me please don't...I-I love you a-and-" I cut her off and I said "shh~ my queen it will be okay I will NEVER leave you...just...be here...with me...too..." Jess nods we stand there hugging for 4 hours and Jess said "Lukas..? C-can I 'sleepover' with you?" This took a min then i said "yeah I know why you wouldn't be sleeping here" Jessica look up at me and said "t-thank you.." I smile and said "you welcome dear :3"

Hello my dumplings how was your day I hope you doing okay yay!! A new part that you guys can read yayyy do you guys hate reading? I do and don't I remember going to the eye dr and they said that I need reading glass BUT I WAS FUCKING BLIND my life was blurry and I was like: this is normal but it wasn't I cannot see far away which is bad...cuz I need to be seeing far as possible nah my life was like: NOPE! So yeah my week wasn't fun...I hope your was!! Eheh byyeee my big and little dumplings!! (1307 words)

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