Right after Season one and before season two..?

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Lukas POV:
"W-were home!" Jesse looks around "yeah! Lukas we are home! Yay!!" I look at Jesse I wonder..what is it like to be Jesse I mean she make decisions every now and then...I just wonder how she feels.. oh whatever I wanted to ask Jesse if I could put my book in the treasure zone well that's what she called it a treasure zone she let me keep it... good decision but... i've always wondered from the very beginning why did she have to do everything by herself too? When she was you know I'm picking her name for the team I was watching you know and no one really gave ideas like hey this is what I think but.. and I'll just leave it on the person on THAT person I ask her but she just said kept it okay I mind that...I guess

     "Hey Jesse" jesse looks around to see me "oh hey Lukas! What's up?" I took a breath "well you see jesse...I wanted to ask you something that has bugging me...why do you EVERYTHING by yourself?" Her eyes got wider...then she responded "I-I don't know people Give me thing and..I sole them..? I think"I was confused...so I comment "are you sure? I mean people are mean well not are group but others are really mean..when them just give comment and you do them? It just doesn't seem right to me-" I look away from my book and look at Jesse she shivering I can see a tear falling down "JESSE? Are you okay?!" She didn't say anything jesse could hold in the tear then comes in the Full on sobbing I tried to clam Jesse down "hey hey it's okay!" I hug Jesse to try to clam her down but she kept on sobbing "S-S-so many years of hiding in my feelings..." wait a minute did I just..? Prove something? "Well Jesse when you feel out of place just talk to me okay?" Jesse nods I'm so lucky that no one here I'm so so so lucky if some one was in here ohh dot I'm would be dead "Jesse let's go and see beacon town...you know it Been a well since we sell this place soo...let's go then.." Jesse looks at the door I hear a snuffle then Jesse answers "okay.."we are walking out of the house room? Whatever people are happy to see us...I mean we have been gone for A while oh geez...it a bitch Jesse looks at the bitch and she makes a disgusting face  like she just ate fish

"Jesse! Ugh you still look ugly as hell!" I took a breath I commented to the person "umm..? Is that kind of rude?..." they look at me they walk up to me then whispers " I can do whatever I want here" I look at them angry they look at me and went away jesse was surprised so she commented "l-Lukas?... how did you do that?!" I took a deep breath and answered "well jesse I don't know I just feel angry and just..-tried to defend you I guess..." Jesse took that answer then answered back "well tysm for that...!" Oh yeah I forgot...I have a crush on Jesse...no just like oh I had a crush on Jesse for only for like 2 weeks..nah I had a crush on her ever sense... I don't know for 12 years i wish I could just tell her...but im scared what if she doesn't like me back...and what she like me my back and also scared like me?... okay I never cuss but I'm so SO FUCKING scared! I wanted to start a conversation with Jesse the last time we talked is when...she died and respond...I kept on forgetting that in Adrians games you respond back when you lose game ugh I still hate that "jesse" jesse looks around then at me then reply "oh hey Lukas!" I hear and see a happy girl when I see one wait...that doesn't sound right...oh well "jesse..umm we have something on are hands..." she didn't see what I'm seeing it looks like her but short hair... every short hair... she turns around the girl looks happy too see Jesse but why? Then the girl speaks up "Jessica? Oh my god! Jessica! It's you!" I go right besides,"don't you remember me? It's me! Sarah! Your sister-oh sorry Lukas..." ohh it's Jesse Sister? And also JESSICA? Is that jesses real name? I let Sarah aka the girl..talk...she said nothing so I said something "jesse? I mean Jessica...is that true? Jess-I mean Jessica I not mad I'm wondering why would kept this from me and the rest...of the group" Sarah was surprised! She runs up to Jess-Jessica and whisper to her "you never told me that you had a group!" Well It was a whisper that the other people can't hear but I could hear it I felt like a need to step up and say WTF! Are something like that when Sarah stop Pushed her not in anger..but I'm say hey give her so space I took a breath and say something to Sarah "hey I don't know you think you are but this is not time to be funny...but are really Jessica's sister if not please go away..!" Sarah looks up and at me and looks angry Jessica come in and breaks in the fight? "You two! Stop it! Sis met Lukas you know him already And Lukas met my sister that you just pushed down.." opps I Guess Sarah was right I help her up and own her a sorry.. "hey Sarah I'm really sorry for pushing you I thought you just joking..I'm really sorry..." Sarah sighs in thankfulness then looks at me and reply's "it's fine jessica-I mean Lukas..." Sarah puts her hand out in peace I look at her and shake it peacefully I look at Sarah she a little weird...Sarah didn't smile she just look at me with her eyes

Soulless dark brown eyes just stare at you weirdly.. we both let go of are hand then she walks up and whispers in my ear "what in the fuck have you done with my sister..?" that a question..that I do not understand..."umm Jesse can we talk? Whispers:In private.."I look at Sarah she crossed of arms and also lookin at me jesse looks confused at first then worried...and answers "Lukas? R u sure?" I nod,"o-okay" for my life I never heard Jessica soo nervous...or something else but whatever it is it's making me question we are walking to a private place "jesse..I know we had are things and all..but" Jessica cuts me off "listen I let her came her for a few days..okay? If that right with you.." i look at Jessica "I mean she is a weird-o but she will learn the ways of beacon town...hopefully.." I look at Jessica like I'm new here,"okay okay she stand here for 3 days.." I sigh I look at Jesse and comment to her answers "Jessica.."she surprised,"you would have told me.." Jessica is just too surprise yet she stills nods,"okay let's go back" we walk back to the place we're Sarah is she had a phone and I think she was texting some one ☝🏻 I to inform Sarah "hello! Are you there?" She looks up from her phone and says "Jessica? How are you..? I haven't seen you when you where a little child" Jessica looks at her sister "Sarah I talked to you like a week ago " making an angry look Sarah waited then answered "I'm every lonely 😔" Jessica gave a sing:yeah yeah whatever just by her Body language they went into a conversation that I couldn't hear when they just made a new conversation I went to some that just came out I think...mmm it's a cake shop I look at the cake shop...it's called up cakes! it was pretty from the outside I go up to the door I open the door HOLY CRAP its bright a lot of bright colors is hurting my eyes I go up to the desk and rang the bell 🛎 and then the person at the desk asked "hello welcome to up cakes! How may be a Service to you?" I look at the menu then answered "I will take a red Barry and blue Barry cake thank you" they go the the kitchen "HEY! THEY NEED A RED-BARRY AND THE BLUE-BARRY" then I took a Seat and wait for the food I mean cake~ again that sound weird it's 2:23 my cake is here I already..ate the red-Barry so I'm eating the blue-Barry it's really good that cake was really good-oh f- I run to Jessica "Jessica! What in the hell is going on?!" Jessica looks at me and looks back... "I-I don't know...i minute I was with Sarah then...her going-wait...Sarah is that weird looking thing..." I look at the thing it looks mad like really mad

                              Skip time:
     "We really need to put a safe System up.." I hear from Jessica I look at her then not really entry.. then I agree with Jessica "yeah you are right we should put a safe system so not monsters can come or worse.." Jessica looks at the entry then comments "well it has to bee 🐝 big" I sigh I answered to her comment "was that a bee pun?" Jessica laughs then answered "y-yeah!" Then continue laughing I sigh "why?.. jess just why?" Jessica is laughing hard now umm I think she needs help Jessica stops laughing like crazy "okay okay let's do this-oh Yeah we can't...opps" why did I see that coming "Jessica I think Olivia and axle need us back to the headquarters..or something like that.." Jessica looks at me "okay! I follow you Lukas" ugh! Was is Jessica so CUTE?! Me and Jessica walking in the " treasure room" I yelled "Olivia axle! We are here! Where are you!" Then I heard "we are over here!" we turned to were axle and Olivia is no said anything so I said some thing "why are we here? I thought you said that you had something to say?" Axle and Olivia look at each..and looked back at me and Jessica...and Olivia said,"mmm I thought YOU had something to tell us-" then boom axle and Olivia is gone i look at Jessica "a-are you okay?!" Jessica nods in return in a yes then BOOM! Jessica is gone "HELLO?" I got no response,"I KNOW YOUR HERE! SO COM-" some one puts on rag over my Mouth and last words I heard were "shhh you see your fiends and maybe lover~ eheheahahahah! That was it.. 
     Hi! People who that hate me-anyways is this a A cliffhanger or? I'm just dumb at this...hey! You read this whole this yay!! You to sleep! You fuck! Or wake your parents and siblings no you know what you do something that in your time you can do! Fuck my and your Government! THEY FUCKING SUCK! Come with me and you will be free!~ FREE YOU MORHERFUCKERS! anyways I just had to get off my chest real quick! And get water and food here I have bread? Do you want the bread? 🍞🥐🥯🥖🥪🍔🍞🥯🍞🍞here you go you little motherfucker,go fuck off Tommy! Okay okay okay okay okay okay! Bye now
(1970 words)

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