•v• what?..is happening?...

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                          Jessica POV:
     I wake up at l'manberg but I don't see Lukas...Sarah,Jesse and Kathy is here but there is Lukas? I wanted to call for him I get off my bed then I start to yell for Lukas "LUKASS!!" L'manberg is every big...when you yell every one can hear you "LUKASS WHERE ARE YOU???" No response for 20 minutes which scared me I started to walk while yelling "LUKASSSSS!! WHERE AREE YOU!!? IMM GETTING WORRIED!!" Sarah yawned then she ask "Jessica? Why are you yelling?.." I turned around and I look at Sarah I sigh then I responded "well Lukas is gone so I thought...I could yell...to find...him..." Sarah yawned again then she said "oh well I hope you find him cuz I'm going back to sleep" she slowly go's to bed yay! Who wonderful I have to find Lukas before my family get suspicious of me just walking around I start yelling again then I got responds I think it was Lukas "JESS? IS THAT YOU?" Oh yeah 101% Lukas and then I yell back "YEAH ITS ME WHERE ARE YOUUU??" I go to the bridge and onto the Hill so I can see or not see Lukas and hear better Lukas yells back "WELL I SEE AN SHEEP THAT BLUE! BUT ITS AN PICTURE..?" oh no Lukas is at the friends memorial...well I know where he is so I yell back too Lukas "OKAY I KNOW WHERE YOU ARE JUST STAY WHERE YOU ARE LUKAS!!" then after like 5 minutes of running I saw Lukas just sitting and looking at the picture of friend...i walk there then I sat where Lukas was and I look at Lukas and said to him "well I..thought you were gone...you scared me dear.." and lukas look at me and  he responded "well sorry I went too far eh..." he giggled I blushed light red that look like pink I look away in blush and Lukas got worried... and said "hey are you okay?.." I nod and he continued,"b-but your blushing or are you  just sick..?" I look at Lukas and answers to his worry comment "n-no I fine and yes I'm..blushing.." Lukas sigh and gave a kiss on the cheek and he said "love you~" I blushed then I comment to his  love response "yo tambien te amo~" Lukas looked confused

I forgot that Lukas doesn't know Spanish... so I had to translate what I said to Lukas "Lukas...love..?" His light blue eyes look in my green eyes I continue with my sentence,"I said I love you too~ just in Spanish" Lukas didn't say anything just stare in my eyes then he close his eyes he show an little smile then Lukas said something "thank you love~" I smile i move closer then I say "your are welcome!" Then I kiss him he kiss me back Lukas stop the kiss I ask him cuz I was confused... "dear? What is the matter?" Lukas didn't say anything I ask again,"Lukas what every it's pls tell me I live in fear..what is the matter?" Lukas look in my eyes and said "I know your siblings are here...but what about your parents?.." you never told..me or axle or even Olivia...so I ask you now...where are your parents?.." no..no...no...no...and no! I couldn't just say no Lukas wanted to know I took a breath in and out then I said "w-well I'm p-parents a-ar-e dead.." Lukas eyes widen,he was in shock when I told him that my parents are dead I mean i lived here for 18 years (if are confused Jessica and Lukas are 21) and..the other years was spending in a treehouse and buildings I guess an crush was build over time  I look away sense I s-small..Lukas put his chin on my head and said "well that must suck...no I meant it I can't imagine living with no biological parents..that must suck.." I was frozen I was a blushing mess! The only thing I could see was an chest...try to guess...i rap my arms around Lukas's waist...ofc lukas felt this and had say something "awww Jessica being clingy I see~" this made me blush also made me mad I hugged even harder this made Lukas waist hurt feel the pain 5mins of me just hugging Lukas I finally say something "I think it's time to go back don't do this again dear I was worried sick" he nods we got up from the floor and we start to walk back and we see Sarah and Kathy talking and Jesse is on his phone and me and Lukas are holding hands Sarah looks at us and starts to talk "hey you guys Lukas I'm sorry but you need to go I look at Lukas he looks at me I nod it for the best and besides I see him at beacontown right? Yeah...Then Sarah made announcement "listen we all have are ways but we need a plan cuz some thing has gone horribly wrong jesse! Do you have the blueprint?" Jesse look at Sarah and said "yes.." then Sarah continued "okay good can you give the blueprint to me?" Jesse nods and Sarah continues once more "okay thankkkk youuu! You see some one has broke the laws of physics..they went and they build at portal...to what god knows I just know that they build a portal and they're not even on old builder they are just random people I have the blueprint the Location is technically not a blue print but it's blue:> blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah x20" I was daydreaming thing about things in other words I wasn't paying attention eh..

Time skip Jessica POV:
I have to Amit..the finding the portal was really fun but enough with The mission Im going to beacon town right after the mission I got an text that reads hey Jess this is Lukas can you come to beacontown? Pls? 😊 love ya! So I texted back yeah I will be there in 10 mins love ya too~ the safety system opens the door and now I'm in beacontown which is fine then I see Lukas I walk there I THOUGHT that he going talk he WAS but different...he look at me and he started to talk "hola Jess como Estas?" Lukas leaning Spanish? I close my eye and I smile and I said "buenos Lukas" Lukas go to his phone and click click click click then he says "te gustaria pasar un Rato?" I giggle and Lukas go's to his phone again then I say "si" Lukas sigh of relief I turn around to go home so does Lukas I wave 👋🏻 he does the same thing at l'manberg everyone was asleep except for me I walk over to me bed I close my eyes and there I was asleep

        So if you don't know what the Spanish talk is I can gladly translate it for you my little dumplings te  gustaria pasar un rato? is would you like to hung out some time? And buenso Lukas is good Lukas soo yeah I hope you like this chapter and I will see ya'll in 2 weeks (1237 words)

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