The hang out

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Lukas POV:
Mornings...there fine I sat up and checked my phone there was text from my mom oh no and it's reads Lukas Ben Louis why in the heck HAVE YOU NO SHOW YOU FRIENDS AT HOME I WOULD LIVE AT ME THEM! Mom can be scary sometimes then she can be sweet and nice things that make me scared of her is when she says my FULL name other people don't get scared at all soo I'm one of these people how are Horrified about there moms saying they're last or full name then I text back mom I don't thing they want to met you or waste your time she got really mad and text me I Don't care hey better have time if don't I will drag myself AND YOU to go met them :) I'm just scared for myself and for Jess I text back to my mom well I don't think you need to do that cuz me and my friends are have an group huddle and talking about things my don't text back so I wanted to text Jess I text Jess with hey Jess umm you know how I said I wanted to hang out..some time?...yeah umm can we make that today? Jess didn't respond for awhile then DING! An text from Jess and it reads ofc! And remember we still have beacontown maybe we can talk to radar and put him in charge or something like that I go text him I knew that radar had an phone...WHAT I didn't knew that he had contacts it's fine I walk to beacontown the safe door opens and I see Jess I wait when she gets close to the door we both walk in and I hear "Awww there are so cuttte!" And another voice "yeah...! Too bad that there friends" and other voice "off that has to hurt" this made me mad I put my fist in a ball then I felt Jessica's hand holding my hand i clam down not putting in ball me and Jess see Olivia and Ivor talking about stuff anyways we talk about taking an day off (people of beacontown ship Lukas and Jessica they just don't know yet) then radar came and he said "ok! I heard you guys! Ya'll need a break I see that...I also need a break me and Jess look at each other and look back at radar and he began talking about things I forgot about...what? There's a line where I cross and I crossed it ehh about 2 times all I know was right after he stop talking I grabbed Jess hand and walk out to walk out with Jess in my hand...I didn't like it so we quickly walked to my house it was every small if you want you can call it a Cabin or elysian boat! Me and Jess panting I was still looking at the ground then Jess go's "Lukas how's in your house?..." I know that pause I look at Jess and my house "Jess that's my mother" her eyes widen my mother thought it was an good idea-oh I did do that fu-well I hope that Jess or my mother wouldn't mind right? RIGHT? Eh Jess was all caught all over my mom then her phone rings and looks away while she is on the phone I Scooch in closer to Jess in closer and closer I tap my arm around Jess she looks at me and I have her a gentle kiss it felt like ages sense I have got in kiss >:3 then my mom looked at us me and Jess looked at her there was silence....dead silence my mom slowly looks at me a shifter went down my back yep this i how I died I look away in fate of what going to happen then my mom yells "OMG MY BABY HAS AN GIR-" i look at her blushing and she continued quietly "yayyyyy!! My baby!" I sigh i hear Jess giggles I let another sigh my mom go's into the kitchen Jess was texting Olivia and axle And I wanted to be an Conversation but how? oh eh I hope you can translate this eheh I wisper in Jess ear "Jess... te amo~" she looked at me then said "querida. Te amo pero si haces eso de Nuevo...te Mataré"
(Jess said dear I love you but if you do that again...I will kill you so yeah)

Then I got an bong on the head I cry in pain and I whinnied "owww Jess! That really hurt!" She made an pout face and nodded and I was confused to be real here I think it just hurts that all I can think about that my head is hurting oof.. me,Jess and my mother were talking then Jess went to my mother "hey umm mrs. Louis where is Mr.Louis?" The room went quite I look at mom and mom looks at me then we both look at Jess then mom sighs and says "Jess...Lukas father left this y-" I close her mouth with my hand she looks at me I had to tell Jess an lie I took an breath in and out "my father is just not here right now" I look at my mother she was PISSED I hand off of her mouth then Jess phone went on she checked it and looked at me and said "sorry...I have to do some thing real quick" I nod I look at mom and she nods too I back to Jess she texting I back at mom and she crying I-i made her she whisper " would you say that? You know that your father is GONE! Why?" I knew she would say this and I'm not to say it I took breath in and I said softly "Jess doesn't have parents she would be sorry went I said sorry she cry's and axle and Jesse would CRUSH me if I made her cry so..I had too I'm sorry mom but sometime you just have to lie to make sure me and people don't hurt you other things too I'm sorry..." I just hope Jess didn't hear that I look at Jess she was still texting looking mad so I said to Jess "babe? Are you okay you look mad" she puts down her phone and sighs then said madly "well my ex was texting me that we should 'get back together' which is BS! I don't love him anymore he is an bitch I don't like him or love him"I put my hand an a ball," he saying sorry like that will change anything" I crossed my arms my mom had to break up that..fight.. " Jessica,Lukas I made an cake! Do you want some?" Jess looked at the cake and drooled I went to the cake it was beautiful I have to Amit it had blue frosting and it was dripping along the cake and there some green in there too it my mom cut the inside it was rainbow she cut three piece of cake one of me an other for Jess and an piece for her it was really sweet I didn't like it but my mom and Jess did it was to sweet for my taste buds and for my liking then my phone went off even though we took an day off that doesn't mean that we can't have an Adventure Olivia text the group chat 'hey I found some thing that will ya'll help please..?' Then I text back 'I'll try...' then I hear Jess taping then an text from Jess and it went 'I'll be there' then axle text me 'Lukas? Why have you been so close to Jesse?' Oh right they don't know yet anyways I text back 'she my friend?' Axle text back 'T-T yeah sure' I didn't text him back then I went back to the group chat and axle text the group text 'eh Im ready~!' Then Petra send ':3 I'm in' Petra is Petra I look at my mom I took an breath and I said "mom me and Jess have to go" my mom looks At Jess then me she smiles and says "okay you two go I have to get see..your f.a.t.h.e.r" me and Jess got up and ran to the place Olivia texts us to go me,Jess,axle and Petra were wait for and axle started up an Conversation "hey Lukas I was wondering...if you were a cat? What kind of cat?" I thought about my answer then I spoke "well there's a lot of cats I would say... calico.." axle looked like he was thinking then he said "they are fine...I think but I think an Cheetah would be you more" I was confused I'm not fast at all so I said to his little comment "umm? How would I be an cheetah? I'm not fast at all-" axle me off and start a talking "your faster than Jesse" Jessica looks at us madly axle continues,"I mean have even looked?" No not really...I nod (as in a no) then Jess come in the conversation "axle...HOW DARE YOU MAKE FUN OF MY SLOWNESS! >:(" axle try rub off the conversation "hey I didn't mean it"
"So how long is with going for?" I looked at the person who said it was Petra I looked at axle and Jess back at Petra then I said "maybe an hour"

While axle and Jess were have 'conversation' we hear some one screaming then we all start to run towards the screams and cry's and axle had at make comment "hey that sound like Lukas!" I look at axle I took an breath and I said "really axle?" Then Axle laughed and he said "no not really your scream sound higher" I sigh then Jessica joined and said "Lukas scream sound like Lukas" then axle whined "buttt jessseee you have to agree that his voice sounded like that screammmm!" Then Jess got mad and stared at axle and axle went "jesse your can be every creepy.." Jessica just stared then spoke "G.O.O.D" then I giggle then axle got suspicious of me " are you giggling?" I stop giggling and I said "sorry can we just stop talking?" Me,Jess and axle when we stop we were panting idk if Petra was panting are not we stop panting we see that there is a child crying and screaming and there Olivia was trying to clam down the child we go were Olivia is and made an Circle then Jess spoke "Olivia? Oh god h-how did you find this child?" Then Olivia Stood up and said "well I was waiting for your guys then I heard an cry then a scream and so here I am..."

Eh...hallo? Sorry German but anyways yes an cliffhanger eheheh I will write the part 2 ehehe I hope you my little dumplings had an good morning,night or afternoon byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!                 (1872 words)

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