Chapter 6 - Useless Loose Leaf Page ( Final part )

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[Lightbulb's POV]

We continued talking for the remainder of the time we stayed up. " * yawn * man I'm tired, what time is it? " I grabbed my phone and turned it on. It was 2 in the morning. Wow! Way past my bedtime, which is like- 7:30? " oh gosh it's like, 2! We should sleep. Who knows what Painty has in store for Mars- I mean Marsh- " Marsh gave me a glare- ooohhhhh. Probably because I called her Mars, which is where she was stuck for a few minuets. " Although you got my name wrong the first time, I have to agree. We should sleep. " Marsh agreed with me, OJ and Paper nodding their heads as well. Well, guess that's it! Time for sleepy sleeps!

( time skip brought to you by : WE'LL ALWAYS BE WONDERCOLTS FOREVER )

[Paper's POV] 

I slowly woke up, huh? Where was I? This isn't my hotel roo- oh yeah. Paintbrush's lab. My face was aching, probably because the spike was still protruding out of it. I carefully touched the area around the spike, and winced. It hurt, a lot. " huuuh? Ohhh... Morning, Paper. " I heard OJ say. I turned around and smiled. " Morning OJ! " I replied. He also smiled! " OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH AS YOU JOIN IN THE LEGEND OF EVERFREEEEEEEEEE! " we both turned to the source of the sound, of course, it was lightbulb. " WILL YOU FIND YOUR GREATEST GLORY- WILL YOU BE A FALLING STAR- " OJ seemed grumpy. " Hey, Lightbulb, whatever you're singing, can you stop? Please?? " Lightbulb turned to look at us two, and nervously smiled. " oh, yeah, heh, sorry. I was listening to music. " she pointed at her headphones. " Oh, no worries! I, for one, found your singing nice! " She smiled. " Wow! Thanks Loose Leaf Page! " She continued singing along with her music. OJ turned to me. " huh. That was nice of you. " He looked confused. " well, everyone needs a compliment sometimes, right? " he paused, thinking. " huh, yeah, I guess so. " 

A few hours later, Marsh was awake now. All of us were watching something on lightbulb's phone. " Shimmering Sunset! We need YOU! " Sparkle Twi said, reaching for her. " CMONNN SHIMMERING!! PICK UP THE MICROPHONE!!!! " Lightbulb and OJ were screaming. I giggled at that. Who knew OJ liked Little Pony Friends : Rocky Rainbows? Paintbrush then walked down. Looking confused. I looked at them, they looked at me, obviously waiting for an explanation. " We're watching Little Pony Friends Rocky Rainbows. Lightbulb insisted we did. " They nodded, and went over to their desk, and started writing stuff down. " GOT THE MUSIC IN OUT HEARRRRT! WE'RE GONNA BLOW THIS STAGE APARRRTTTTT! " Lightbulb and OJ were now singing. Me and Marsh started laughing, but then, all fun had to come to a close when..

" alright, Marshmallow, or experiment 3, it's your turn. "

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