Chapter 1 - Bright Help

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{Paintbrush's POV}

Scritch scritch scritch scritch. " No, not Fan. He's too obvious to notice gone.. " Scribble Scribble Scribble Scribble. " DEFINITELY not Lightbulb, I have a use for her. " scratch scratch scratch scratch. " Yes! Paper is perfect. Yeah, he'd be noticeable, but I'm sure no one would think much of it. Although, OJ never leaves his side.. why not both? Yes, Experiments 1 & 2 : OJ and Paper. " I finished writing down the first two victims on a piece of paper. Walking over to the blackboard, I clenched my fist reading " Test Tube's secret lab ". This wasn't Test Tube's. It was mine. I quickly erased the blackboard, and wrote in neat, pretty handwriting : " Paintbrush & Lightbulb's Lab ". I smiled and climbed up the slide, exiting my new lab. Sorry, our , new lab. I saw Lightbulb, she was looking, might I say, depressed? I decided to talk to her.

{3rd Person}

Paintbrush walked up to Lightbulb, trying not to startle her. " Hey, Lightbulb! What's up? " she looked up at them, tears in her eyes. " D-did you have to kill her?.. " They stood in uncomfortable  silence before Paintbrush spoke up. " Soooo uhh.. I have a plan to experim- " Lightbulb covered Paintbrush's mouth as someone walked by. " ... go on? " Paintbrush's eye slightly twitched before they continued. " I'm going to experiment on some of our friends, don't worry, I won't experiment on Fan. He means too much to the both of us. " Lightbulb visibly relaxed when they said that. " if you are gonna ask me if I want to help you, I will. " " thanks, Lighty. " the two stared at each other for a moment before Paintbrush started walking over to their new lab, Lightbulb following behind.

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