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Cameron pecked Shawn's lips once more.

He then fully pulled away from him. He was heading forwards the exit until a special someone stopped him. "Wait. C-Cameron..... I love-"

"I love you Shawn," Cameron winked making Shawn's cheeks blush a deep red shade of color. Cameron went back, sitting by the Canadian.

Shawn was happy. He could feel his tears in his eyes. He could feel how they began to roll down their cheek. "Aw, don't cry babe," Cameron said chuckling lightly as he wrapped his arm around Shawn's shoulders and settled his hand firmly on his waist. Cameron wiped Shawn's tears away with his thumb. He cupped his cheeks feeling the softness. "It'll all be good, I love you," Cam said with a small smile forming on his lips

"I love you," Shawn stated. They both laid down with each other, side by side. They cuddled up closing all gaps that had separated them from each other. The amazing feeling of love scattered all over their bodies.

That day they felt happier than ever before. They didn't live happily ever after, yes they had many obstacles and barriers but they learned to overcome them. Together, never alone. So with each other they were very happy.

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