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Shawn fiddled with his fingers.

He had nothing to do and no one to talk to. Everyone was busy. He sighed looking back at the letters that piled up under the white pillow his head rested on. He admired Cameron so much before and he still did. The problem was that Cameron wasn't the same. He's much more nervous and shaky than ever before. He used to be so energetic and loose as Shawn remembered.

Shawn felt guilty. He thought it was his fault that the reason why Cam acted like he did was because of him. He got up, using a nearby wheel chair for help. He sat down on it, rolling the wheels. As if on cue, Cameron came rushing through the door. "Shawn, what are you doing?" His tone showed that he was surely worried and confused.

"I was going to see y-"

"Shawn! You can't do that! Go back to bed!"

"But I wanted to see you," Shawn said as he held Cameron's hand ever so gently.

"Shawn, go back to bed, please," Cameron begged Shawn.

"Cameron what's wrong? Why do you act like this? Is it my fault? Is it because of the accident? Cameron please tell me, I want- no, I need to know."

"Just go back to bed, I'm o-"

"No you're not Cam! I know when you're so called okay and when you're not, so tell me right now Cameron."

"Fine, you really want to know? I'm not okay because I'm in love with my best friend who doesn't love me back and I feel like the pain is too much for me and it's getting in my fucking way of every single thing I do, plus I have no control or idea of what my feelings are trying to tell me! I'm lost, I'm confused and I'm craving your love! Are you happy now?"

Before Shawn was able to say anything, he grabbed the two strings that hung from Cameron's sweater, pulling Cameron closer until both of their lips were attacking each other's.

The kiss was full of passion and love.

Cameron carried Shawn out of the wheelchair onto the bed. Both of his hands were entangled with the younger boy's. The two slowly intertwined their fingers together as their tongues slipped in.

About two minutes later they both pulled away breathless. The two smiled at each other as their foreheads touched and the grip of their hands slightly loosened up.

Letters :: shameronWhere stories live. Discover now