December 05

900 49 6

Dear Shawn,
Everyone already thinks you're not going to make it already. But I believe in you. I think you'll be able to make it. Everyone doubts it but I don't. Nash keeps telling me to leave you alone but I won't and I can't.

I'm sad Shawn. I'm sad. I'm not okay, I'm not fine, I'm not alright or whatever. I'm sad. I'm not happy that my friend is in the hospital. That it's possible that he'll never wake up again. That everyone thinks he'll pass away soon. I'm unhappy about it.

I don't care what other people say. I won't stop writing to you. I won't stop visiting you. You're my friend. I made a promise. Friends are there for each other when other's aren't. Promises aren't meant to be broken, they're meant to be kept. I won't give up on you. Yeah, there might be a slight chance that you could possibly never wake up again but I still believe.

Shawn, even though some might say you're not as strong as others, you are. You can make it through this. You're Shawn Mendes. Not anyone else and Shawn you can do anything as long as you put effort into it. Not just your mind but your heart too.

In the meanwhile, I'll be here, waiting for you. I'll wait.



That night, Cameron slept feeling lonely, he held one of Shawn's flannels tightly. He felt as if a part of him was missing, which was a bit of a new feeling since he hadn't really felt like that lately. He looked up at the stars and remembered something. In one of Shawn's songs there was a line that went, 'remember we lay under the same stars.' Which was correct they did.

He gazed upon them. He smiled as he memorized the line saying it quietly to himself. He fell fast asleep shortly thinking about it. He never knew such an event could change the way he thought and saw things. He had realized many things, all thanks to Shawn.

Letters :: shameronWhere stories live. Discover now