December 26

886 53 17

Dear Shawn,
It's been a month now that you haven't woken up. Yes, of course I'm going to worry. No, I'm not doubting that you won't but I just really want you to wake up soon Shawn. I don't know why but without you I feel miserable. I don't understand it it's just so complicated. You've always been one of my best friends and you've usually been away. So I don't really know why my feelings are suddenly taking me down.

I just can't comprehend why this is more difficult for me than anyone else. I wish you were here. I wish this never happened and all of this was just some dream. Too bad it's not. I miss you Shawn. I really do.



Cameron walked into the room to see his friend's body laying on a bed looking so lifeless. He sighed running a hand through his hair. He sat by the younger boy, stroking his left cheek lightly. Cameron remembered how sassy Shawn was and how adorable he looked singing the song he had made up for him. He remembered how thrilled Shawn was when his first album came out.

"The way you lighten up the room
caught the corner of my eye

Maybe we can both sneak out the back door
We don't have to say goodbye,"

Cameron sang softly to Shawn. He slowly let his hand travel from Shawn's cheek all the way done to his hand. He gripped his hand continuing to sing.

"Because it's alright,
it's alright

to waste time tonight."

Cameron could feel a grip on his hand. It was sudden but it was quite a hold. He realized Shawn was responding. He was alive.

"Doctors! Doctors! He's alive!" He shouted very loudly bursting into tears of joy.

The dotors of course heard his yell (how could they not?) and rushed into the room Shawn was kept in. They all looked at the medical devices they hooked up on him seeing that the devices received a response from the younger boy. All were glad and smiling. As for Cameron, well he was jumping and crying and whatnot once again happy.

Letters :: shameronWhere stories live. Discover now