Chapter 23

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Jays POV
Im staying home today, as usual. Becca asked me to find some dirt on Jill so im scrolling through her facebook page. There was a knock at the door. I raised an eyebrow confused and got up to get it. I opened the door and was shocked. "Hi, can I help you?" I ask. "Of course its you" she says coming in. Its Christys mom. "Excuse me?" I ask. "We've been tricked. This is a set up for us to work together and find some dirt on your girlfriends ex" she says. "Right ok" i say shutting the door. She opened her laptop on the counter and started typing. There was silence in the room. No one was speaking. We just watched the computer screen. She stopped typing. "I went too far when we met" she says. "Ha! Yeah ya think?" I say. She glared at me. I rolled my eyes. "I guess the thought of my daughter dating a criminal wasnt the best thing I had in mind" she says. "Im not like that anymore" i say. "You may not be a criminal but your habits are enough to not like you" she says. "Your daughter seems to like it" i say. "Which is the only reason Im still here" she says. "Lets just talk about Jill" i say. "Your girl seems to have the cleanest record ever" she says pulling up Jills Instagram. "You checked all her socials?" I ask. "Yeah shes clean" she says. She scrolled through Jills photos. "Wait, look at the one in her bathing suit" i say. She turned to me and raised an eyebrow. "You can hate me later, just click it" i say. She zoomed in on the photo. I noticed another girl in the pool behind her. "Wow. Shes not clean at all" i say. "Whys that?" She asks. "The bitch posts regularly on porn hub" i say. She looked at me really confused. "I use it as a tactic when I have sex with the girls, and just so you know, I use Christys google account because she has premium" i say. She looked at me shocked. "You should know your daughters kinks. Shes a nasty girl" i say. "Well, aside from that shocking revelation, if Jill is after your girlfriend then its probably for that" she says. Rage shot through me. I grabbed my keys and stomped to the door. "Where are you going?" She asks. "To find Jill. If she thinks she can use my girlfriend like a sex toy then shes surely mistaken. Jessies not ready to open up to us so Im not gonna let this bitch hump her and dump her for some stupid video" i say.

I stormed into Beccas dance class right as it ended. "Hey!" I yell. Jill turned to look at me. Becca ran up to me and stopped me. "You cant do this Jay. You could get sent back to jail" she says. "I dont care. I just want this bitch to feel pain" i say. I wanted to pounce on Jill but Kelsey ran in and helped Becca hold me back. "Wow. I knew that Jessies girlfriends were crazy but I didnt think they were this bad" Jill says walking up to me. I glared as hard as I could at her. "You think you can just use her as some toy! Shes fragile and she doesn't deserve to be treated like a slut!" I say. "What are you talking about?" Kelsey asks. Jill panicked a little. "You watched me?" She asks. "Not really but I saw bits and pieces of you fucking that girl in the pool. And then seeing your Instagram post made it much easier to understand" i say. Kelsey blushed. "That video was her? Oh my god I feel weird now" she says. "You guys watch porn while you fuck?" Jill asks. "Its background noise." Becca says. "Wait why were you stalking my Instagram?" Jill asks. Becca and I looked at each other searching for an answer. Jill laughed. "Doesn't matter. You really think I cant get on base with Jessie?" She asks. "You never did before" Kelsey says. "True, because we were interrupted. I almost made it there once. Im sure I can do it again. Gotta go, bye" she says walking out of the room. "So Jill is a porn star?" Becca asks. "Yeah. So now what?" I ask. "Now we tell the girls" i say.

Jessies POV
I overheard them talking about it before I walked in the house. Yeah, I knew she was a porn star. Just because Im a virgin doesn't mean I dont masturbate. Ive come across her before and I just turn off the phone at that point. I dont want my girlfriends getting wrapped up in this. I walked back to my car. This is definitely a bad idea.

I drove to Jills apartment. She sent her address for when I "come around", whatever that means. I knocked on her door. She smirked at me. "I knew you'd come back" she says. "No" i said. She raised an eyebrow. "You do not get to march into my life and act like you own me" i say pushing her back. "Feisty all of a sudden" she says. I laughed. "You dont seem to understand. I dont want you! I love my girlfriends! Not you!" I say. "Then why are you here?" She asks. "To make this stop. If you dont leave me and my girlfriends alone then there will be consequences" i say. "Oh yeah? What are you gonna do?" She asks getting close to me. "You know who my parents are. They shipped you away once, they can do it again" i say. "And how are you gonna convince them? They dont like you very much anymore" she says. "You of all people should know that I have my ways. Dont mess with me Jill. I will drag you down to hell if you come near my girlfriends again. So pack your shit and go" i say. "You drive a hard bargain" she says. I raised an eyebrow. My phone rang. I answered. "Hey babe" i said. "Where are you? We're worried" Christy says. I smirked at Jill. She took a step back. "Can I talk to Jay real quick?" I ask. "Uh sure" Christy said confused. Jill looked scared. "Jess?" Jay asks. "Guess who Im with" i say. I heard her drop the phone and leave. "What did you do?" Jill asks. "You live 5 minutes away from our apartment. Good luck" i say walking outside. Jays motorcycle screeched to a stop and stormed up to me. "Where is she!?" She yells. "Go get her" i say.

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