Ticket (Pick/Rome)

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Rome didn't expect to fall so hard. He honestly didn't believe he could love someone this much. And clearly, he didn't know it would hurt like this either. Loving Pick was beautiful yet exhausting. Rome thought if he showed his feelings clearly, Pick would at least acknowledge them. The senior didn't. He acted jealous and caring but never showed or said those three words. He played with him as if he was a toy or experiment. 

Rome had enough. There is a certain degree humans could take. It was Pick's last chance. Rome invented him to launch, and though Pick sounded annoyed, he agreed to come. He was fifteen minutes late, but Rome still hoped. He slides his hand into his trouser pocket, feeling the neatly folded paper. He will give Pick another five minutes. If he arrives by that time, he will throw the ticket out and reject the opportunity to study abroad. 

Rome nervously checked his watch, standing up with a sad sigh. So that's how it will end? Taking out his phone, Rome dialled Emma's number, informing her of his decision before he stepped out of the restaurant. It was better this way. The distance will help him forget. 

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