Chapter Thirty

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"Three seconds!" Dustin screams to Eddie who is still playing his big guitar solo. Dustin looks through his binoculars to the sky where he sees bats, the ones that almost killed Steve, flying straight towards them.

"Three!" Dustin counts down as Eddie plays as fast as he can to bring the bats closer in the time he has left. "Two!" Dustin counts with his fingers "One!" He screams and Eddie plays one last chord ending the sound of master of puppets into the upside down. Dustin grabs the speakers and immediately makes his way off the roof back down the ladder, Eddie following right after him.

As soon as they made it back into shelter the bats reach their location, but they fly right over it. Dustin throws the speakers and other materials in his hands on he floor and yells "most metal everrr!" And him and Eddie both jump up and down celebrating.

But its not over, they have to get out of there. Eddie goes over to the door, slowly opens it and peeks out "nope!" He screams when a bat flies at his face. He turns to Dustin "we can't leave for a while" and Dustin leans against the back wall.

But to the right they hear a sound and there's no telling what it is but given their situation there's only one thing it could be. Eddie slowly walks toward the sound looking up to ceiling where the sound is coming from when all of a sudden a bats head sticks through a hole in the ceiling. "What the f-" he falls back a little and then runs back to Dustin.

Dustin doesn't say anything in this moment probably out of shock but Eddie reaches down next to Dustin and grabs his shield, the one filled with nails and he runs back over to the ceiling and sticks the shield in it where the bats head was, blocking the hole and keeping them from coming in.

"Well that works" Dustin says from behind him. "We gotta go" Eddie says turning to the door "no we can't!" Dustin says
"It won't hold!" Eddie yells back referring to the shield in the ceiling and Dustin nods, Eddie knows that if they stay here for any longer the bats will get in, he runs back grabbing the speakers "leave them!" Eddie tells him and he does, but he takes his binoculars and a shield with him just in case.

Eddie has his guitar on his back but he would never leave it behind. When they open the door Eddie stands in front shielding Dustin from the danger. Right now the bats are up in the sky so they have time to get out of there but they must move fast. "Follow me" Eddie says to Dustin and he slowly walk out of the building.

Over on the right side their bikes lay, Eddie runs over to them and quickly picks up his bike and gets on it, Dustin following right after him doing the same. Eddie immediately takes off pedaling his bike looking behind him to make sure Dustin is following him, he is so he keeps going. Above them the bats fly but they haven't noticed the two boys below them yet.

After a few minutes of pedaling they finally arrive back at Eddies trailer, throwing their bikes on the ground they make their way inside. The bats have followed them they noticed when they got there, so when they both get inside Eddie slams the door shut and sits in front of it so they don't break in. "Come on" Dustin says to him "what?" Eddie doesn't know what Dustin means.

"We have to leave now" Dustin says again gesturing to the sheet hanging from the ceiling which leads back to the normal world. Eddie understanding now stands up and makes his way over to the sheet, he does remember being told that when they do what they were supposed to they leave, which they have. He remembers being told that if anything goes wrong they leave, which it has. The only thing for him to do right now is leave.

He gives Dustin a heads up and Dustin uses Eddies hand as a stool to get up higher on the sheet, and he climbs up making it to the the other side. Now its Eddies turn, but Eddie also knows that those bats will get inside, and when they do they will climb up through the opening to the other side and even though there's ways to keep them in they can't hold them off forever. And Eddie knows that when that happens millions of people will be in danger, he knows that if Steve, Robin and Nancy don't pull this off there may be consequences that him and Dustin have caused.

He also remembers the soft voice of the cheerleader saying "be a superhero" he thinks of her and he thinks of how disappointed she would be in him, he can't let that happen. He thinks of all the times he ran before when he could've fought back. He wants to be the hero this time, he wants to fight back.

Eddie looks up to Dustin who is safe and sound in the other world, at least for now he thinks. "Eddie come on" Dustin yells unaware of why Eddie is taking so long to climb up the sheet.

Eddie grabs a knife left in his pocket, he pauses thinking if he's sure, he is. He takes the sheet in one hand and slices the sheet in half making it fall to the ground. "Eddie!" Dustin is screaming but Eddie doesn't care, he's trying to keep him safe. He has to keep him out of here and the only way to do that is do this, he pushes the mattress with his foot moving it out of view so Dustin can't jump down.

Looking up again he sees Dustin in tears "Eddie no!" Dustin knows exactly what he is doing and he doesn't like it one bit, his friend is in danger. Eddie doesn't say a word to him, he cant. He can't look at him all upset when he has to do this.

Eddie runs towards the door again, his plan is to drive away the bats towards somewhere else, anywhere else so that they won't get through the only place he knows leads to the normal world. He hops on his bike and starts pedaling, he doesn't know where he's going just somewhere.

But he bikes over a rock which sends him flying off his bike and landing on his face. It hurts but there's no time to dwell on it, he stands up and runs, just runs he doesn't know where but he just runs.

He's not fast enough the bats are surrounding him now, every turn he takes every where he looks, the bats are surrounding him. It gets to the point where he can not move. He knows there's only one way out of this... To fight.

He holds up the shield he took with him from the trailer, be a superhero he hears the girls voice again. He knows he has to get back to her, all he wants is to take her on that date he promised, he wants to hug her and kiss her and do all the things people do. In this moment the only thing he thinks of is getting back to her, so he holds up his shield and he fights.

𝐈 𝐃𝗼𝐧𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 | Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now