Chapter Eleven

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Ive been sitting here all day while Dustin rants on about his plan to supposedly "kill Vecna" or whatever this thing is.

"And how do we even know this is going to work?" Max asks Dustin from next to me.
Oh yea i forgot to mention, Dustin called or rather "walkie talkied" his friends over and now theres like forty of us in this room. Im over exaggerating, but theres a lot of people. And apparently all these people have been to upside down and almost died once or twice... i dont know its weird.

"We dont, but it has to." Dustin answers Max.
"And what if it doesn't?" Max argues back
Dustin pauses "then i guess we all die?"

Steve interrupts, yes Steve is here because hes part of this group of friends, but i wonder why ive never heard about them before. "Woahhhh no one is dying okay, we just need to follow the plan exactly"

Nancy speaks up this time, shes Steves ex girlfriend and Dustins best friends Mike older sister. "Does anyone know where we can find these weapons we need anyway?" She looks at every face and Eddie speaks up "Uh i might"

Fast forward we're now standing on the other side of the basement and Eddie has the weekly newspaper pulled out in front of him "you guys still read newspapers?" i ask
Nobody responds to that question

"Okay so this is a place where you can buy weapons for uh... killing things basically, its pretty far out of town do its great if we want to avoid cops and angry hicks"
"If we wanna avoid angry hicks i dont think we should go to a place called the war zone" I say

"Usually i would agree but we dont really have any other options so i say we do it" Nancy says

Robin a friend of Nancys chimes in "how is this even legal?"
"I dont know but lucky for us it is so" Eddie replies

I look over at him and im noticing how close we are, one step closer are shoulders would touch.
"How about you Angela" someone says and i snap out of my trance "Huh?" i reply, i didnt hear anything past Eddie saying it's surprisingly legal "I said are you in" Nancy asks
"Yea" i reply "im in"

"Great" says Nancy "so how do we get there?"
Eddie looks off into the distance as if hes thinking of something "i got a ride, its not exactly mine and its not a car, but it'll do" He looks over at me "you got a mask or bandana with you by any chance"
I stare at him for a few seconds "Why would i just have a mask with me!?" He throws his hands up in an i dont know motion.

"I have something" Max says from across the room. We walk over to her and shes holding up a Micheal Myers halloween mask. "I found it in those boxes" she points to a stack of paper boxes piled up in the corner if the room. Eddie takes it from her hands, holds it up and pauses before saying "i guess it'll have to do"

We start digging through the boxes for more face masks or whatever we can find "hey why are we doing this again?" I ask Eddie "if we're gonna hijack a car you have to conceal your identity" He yells back at me and i find a red bandana at the bottom of the box. I hold it up "will this do?" i ask mostly to Eddie and he nods

Steve and Nancy find for horror story themed masks, Max finds another bandana, Robin finds an old pirates beard and Dustin finds nothing so Eddie gives him the bandana in his back pocket.

As we sneak out the back door again and apply our masks i ask another needed question to Dustin "so do your like parents ever care that theres a bunch of strangers in their basement or?" he attempts to tie his bandana around his head "nah my mom is a good lady she doesn't mind, she doesn't even know half the time" he laughs

"Hey how do i look!" Robin says and turns around to reveal her pirates beard. We all laugh "and what about me?" Nancy shows off her the purge day baby face mask and we all get a laugh out of it.

We walk pretty far before we come across a trailer park. "Eddie i have no idea what youre up to but im scared to find out" i say through my red bandana "Youre gonna love this" he laughs through his Micheal Myers mask which makes me laugh at him every time i look at him.

We run into the trailer park and hide behind different trailer to get where we want without being caught, when Eddie finds the one he wants "Bingo" he says

Theres an open window so we all climb through, Eddie went first and he stuck his hand out to help me through after him. When we both are in we immediately take out masks off "that was suffocating" Eddie wheezes.

The rest of the gang follows through after us and me and Eddie race up to front seat. "You sure you know what you're doing?" i ask a little out of breath "yea i do, you know while all the other dads were teaching their kids to play ball my old man, he taught me how to hot wire." He looks back at me then back to the wires which he cut and is now rubbing the cut wires together "now i swore id never end up like he did but now im hot wiring a car to go buy some weapons to kill a monster, so id say i'm really living up to the Munson name"

"I dont know how i feel about you driving this" I say because its true i dont think he should be in charge here. Steve runs up behind us "oh yea i agree" and Eddie turns around "oh im just starting this sucker, Harringtons got her, dont you big boy?" he smiles at Steve and i can sense some hatred there, i wonder what happened with them.

All of a sudden the rumble of the engine sounds and the owners come running to windows telling us to get out and go home but Steve hops in the drivers seat and floors it, which send me and Eddie flying backwards.

Steve looks back apologetically "oh im so sorry" he keeps repeating "STEVE DRIVE" Dustin yells. We stopped a few feet away from the owners and theyre running up to us now. Steve floors it and we go down the highway.

Nancy and Robin screaming and celebrating, Eddie head banging for no reason and me still laying on the floor just smiling. That was fun, and we won.

"Man i hope they dont call the cops" i say "They will" Eddie replies, looking at me "But we wont let them catch us" he winks at me.

So i decided not to use Lukas, Mike or Will in this story, not for any other reason besides that i cant keep track of that many characters. Theres more people not included also as you can tell, maybe they will make an appearance later but i dont know yet. <3

𝐈 𝐃𝗼𝐧𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 | Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now