Chapter Twenty Six

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Being back at Eddies gives me a weird sense of nostalgia.
We rode on our bikes the whole way here and my legs feel like jelly, but there's no time to complain about that now. Eddie leads us in the trailer through the front door and I feel odd being here, looking around everything looks the same but its not.

There's the couch I saw the first time I was here, when I was basically having a panic attack over something I know so much about now. Also last time I was here I knew nothing about Eddie Munson, and now I actually really like him.

There's the spot I was standing when I was attacked, and I know because on the roof there's a gate. "Well shit" Eddie says, he standing next to me by the door. He was the last one in so hes halfway through the door basically looking at the red glow in the ceiling like everyone else.

Steve, Robin and Nancy are standing right under staring up while me and Eddie stay by the door, I'm honesty scared to go any closer. Eddie grabs my shoulder as he walks past me slowly going up to others under the gate.

"That's right where she was when she- you know" he says

"Well its definitely here, now what?" Robin asks

I start moving closer but when the gate starts moving I step back, its like something is poking at it trying to get in. "What the hell?" Steve asks

All of a sudden a hole breaks open in the gate, i jump back but it looks like the end of a broom that breaks through. Everyone is staring at the ceiling and they seem to be okay so I walk up closer to them now till I can see through the gate. Dustin is staring back at us.

"Henderson!" Steve yells
Everyone including Dustin laughs "yea we rescued you weirdos" Max appears next to Dustin looking up at us with headphones on her ears. I smile at her and she smiles back.

Dustin leaves our view for a few seconds but then comes back with a sheet, he throws the sheet through he gate and now its in both worlds, I was mistaken its actually a bunch of sheets tied together. "And if my theory is correct" Dustin let's go of the sheet and now it floating from boh sides. Dustin smiles
"Freaky" I say confused

"Okay guys try to climb up, see if it holds" Dustin says
Nancy grabs the sheet and pulls hard on it, it stays. "Climb up Nancy" Dustin yells

Nancy looks back at us and Steve gestures for her to climb up, she starts to climb but Dustin stops her "wait!" Max and Dustin leave our view for quite longer this time but then come back into view with a mattress, Eddies mattress and they throw it on the floor right where we would land. Smart.

"Okay now go" Dustin says
"What is on that mattress?" Robin turns her head to ask
"Those stains are uh" Eddie says "I don't now what those stains are" and he swallows
"Gross" I say to him and he looks at me "what?"

Nancy starts climbing the sheets and when she gets through the other side she flips over and falls to her back on the mattress. She's looking up at us now. Dustin grabs her hand and helps her up.

Next Steve trys to grab the rope but Robin interrupts "uh uh ladies first" and Steve sighs when Robin grabs the rope and begins to climb.
After Robin gets through and lands safely on the mattress Steve and Eddie look to me "alright" I say and walk up to the sheet

I have terrible uperbody strength so climbing up his is actually really hard and it took me quite longer than the others but I made it to the top where I feel like I'm upside down, so I flips my legs over head and fall to the mattress landing on my back.

I can see Steve and Eddie above me now "that's so strange" I say out loud.
Dustin grabs my hand and I stand by him and Robin, Nancy is on the other side by Max.

Eddie starts climbing the sheets and when he lands he smiles and says "that was fun" When Dustin grabs his hand he says "shit" and he stands up and stands next to me. We're all watching now as Steve is the last one to climb up the sheets.

He lands with a thud and Dustin cheers on all of us making it. "I'm so glad we found you guys!" I'm right next to him so I hug him and say "me too!"

"Okay well this is fun and all but don't we all have to go back in there?" Max asks
"No way we can go back in without our weapons and all of that is in the trailer so" Steve says
"Actually I got them" Dustin says
We look at him confused "how'd you do that?" Steve asks
"We stopped there on the way and carried it over here"

"That fast?" Eddie asks him
"Well yea" Dustin says

"That's crazy man" Eddie give Dustin a fist bump
"Okay well after all this we clearly arnt prepared so" Steve says
"We need to prepare" Nancy says "everyone sit down"

We all walk to the couch, Eddies couch is pretty small but its big enough for all of us not including Nancy to fit even though we are all squished together. Nancy is standing in front of us right in front of the sheet hanging from the ceiling. I feel I little concerned that there's and opening to the upside down right there.

Its a little to squished for me so I move to the floor sat right in front of the couch so I can lean against it.

"Okay so what I think the best thing we can do is stick to the plan but make a few changes" Nancy suggests pacing back and forth in front of us. "Steve, Me and Robin will go back to Victor Creels house to find Vecna, he has to be there we found that out on out first visit. Max and Angela?" She turns to me and max who are sat to each other except in I'm the floor. "Are you guys still sure you want to go back in there and talk to him?" I look to Max and she looks down at me, Max nods her head "yea we can do it" I say

"Okay you guys have to be able to keep him hostage in your heads long enough that we can find him and kill him" Nancy tells us and we nod
"I'm still not sure that's a good idea" Eddie interrupts from the couch "they could die"
Nancy says "well we all could, they are at more risk yes but if we do as we're supposed to they'll be okay"
I hear Eddie sigh but we boh know there's nothing else to be said, we have to do it.

"That leaves Eddie and Dustin" She looks at them on the couch "you guys have to distract the bats somehow, keep them away from us as we find Vecna. You have any idea how we can do that?"

After a few seconds of silence Eddie says "I can play guitar, maybe they will hear it come towards it maybe?"
"They will come to you then" I turn back to face Edie when I say it. He looks at me "yea I know" he looks back at Eddie "we'll get out of there before they reach us"

Nancy agrees "okay that works"
Max says "maybe someone should stay with me and Angela in case we can't get out, music got me out last time maybe someone should stay there with it on hand in case we need it."

I agree to that
"That's a great idea but we don't have anyone for that job" Nancy says
"Maybe if we play music the whole time then we can get out whenever it gets too dangerous" I suggest
Steve says "unless you guys have the same favorite song that won't work"

I run to Max "the song you played last time, that your favorite right?"
She nods "yea"
"Well I like that song it would have to work, just play it on repeat the whole time"

"We don't know if it would work Angela, for Max sure but for you-" Steve says but I interrupt "it has to" I say "there's no other option"

"We'll try it" Nancy pauses and then she says "so that's the plan, everyone sticks to it okay? No getting off track, we follow the plan and if anything goes wrong at anytime you get out of there okay? No trying to be the hero."

We all nod our heads in agreement

: get prepared for the next few chapters :()

𝐈 𝐃𝗼𝐧𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 | Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now