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"You need anything ?" Dima asked. Mara looked at the entrance of the apartment and shook her head in refusal."No, I will not be needing your help from you or  your fellow friends." She said before slamming the car door shut in anger.  Dima watched as she struggled with her apartment keys. Dima tries to reverse the car when a gunshot was heard. He turned to see if Xiomara had gone inside her apartment but the sight of Mara laying on the floor with her back rested on the door and a pool of blood on the floor made him rush out of the car. 
          "I am fine! I said I do not need your help..." She coughed. Dima ignored her rants and picked her up immediately placing her in the backseat of the car. He looked up to see a white Audi Car packed by the street and a lady in blonde with a mask on looked at him and drove off. Before she left Dima captured the plate number of her car before driving back to the mansion. 


"Boss! Boss! Help! She is injured." Dima said panting as he carried mara into the mansion. Gedeon had a growl on his face, while Demyan and Kervyn ran out to help. Dima placed mara in Kervyn's arms, while Demyan cleared the couch. Dima ran back to the room with the first aid box in his hands.  "How did this happen, Dima?" Kervyn asked rubbing dried clean pieces of cotton on Mara's legs.   

" I just dropped her off and decided to drive back to the mansion, but there was an Audi Jeep, parked by the street...A blonde in it watching the whole scene. She drove off as soon as she saw that I was watching...Here" Dima shows Kervyn and the other guys the capture of the jeep's plate number. 

"What is up with blonde girls this season?" Gedeon growled, vexed looking at Mara, then rolled his eyes. 

"Demyan please check on this number and report back to me," Kervyn said.  Xiomara screamed in Agony as soon as Kervyn poured alcohol on the fresh wound, the bandaged her leg before carrying her back to the room, she was in hours ago. 

"Kervyn! Sabes que no podemos confiar en ella... Ella vendió a nuestro maldito jefe de unidad flash ...Vamos, hombre, ya sabes lo que las mujeres nos han hecho en el pasado porque las ayudamos...No somos lo que es esta perra :( Kervyn! You do know we can not trust her... She sold our goddamn flash drive boss... Come on Man, you know what ladies have done to us in the past because we help them... We no not what this bitch is capable of doing)."  Gedeon cursed when kervyn stepped out of the room. 

"Gedeon... Sí, no confío en ella, pero creo que es un objetivo...Nuestros enemigos están ahí fuera y no se detendrían para matar a nadie que hubiera entrado en contacto con nosotros. :(Gedeon... Yes, I do not trust her but I believe she is a target... Our enemies are out there and they wouldn't stop to kill anyone that had come in contact with us.)" Kervyn walked out of Gedeon's sight and into the control room, Demyan had tracked the car number and found the details about it. 

"It says it belongs to the Red goons and I think I got the face recognition of the lady in the jeep."  kervyn crouched down to see the face of the person. 



 "Are you saying, I am a member of the Red... whatever you call the group? And you think I am the cause of some sort of lady's injury? Kervyn what do you think I am? A murderer or what?" Kei snorted. 

"No! I am not saying you are a murderer or a member of my enemies, I just needed to be sure, the car..., the plate number... the gang... You know who the Red Goons are right? The Security cameras detect your face and... " Kervyn rubbed his tired face, looking helplessly at his ex-fiancee. He had thought they would be engaged but now she wishes not to even see his face. 

"Look, I do not know what your issues are Kervyn, I should have known, when you called me... it isn't important." She hissed. She walked to the door but Kervyn stopped her.

"Kei, please give me another chance... I want to marry you... Before you left me that night, I thought of engagement but..." Kervyn stammered.

"I cannot be your wife, Kervyn, never!" She walked out the door.

         Kervyn grunts in anger, throwing a fist at the wall, nonstop, he didn't care if his knuckles bled, the anger in him mattered more than the pain he was feeling. Xiomara walked in quietly, hadn't watched the whole scene of angry Juliet and crying Romeo, kervyn's room was in pieces and mess, shattered bottles, torn papers, broken furniture, and blood littered the room. She walked up to him, standing five steps away from the angry ogre. 

"What do you want?" Kervyn said through his teeth. His face to the wall and his back faced her. She wasn't sure of what she was about to do but she did anyway.  She gave him a clean napkin, he stared at it but didn't take it. She took his two rough bleeding hands into hers and wiped the wound slowly, soothingly. 

"Do you have aspirins?" She asked, looking at nothing but his knuckles. He kept staring at her before he realized he had to talk. "Oh,... no... I mean... Yes... It's in the bathroom." He pointed to the glass door behind her. She looked behind and set her eyes back to his before taking them away. 

"Continue the cleaning, I will be back in a minute." She walked into his suite and took in the awe of the big magnificent bathroom, truly he had styles in fashion and house looks. She stopped by a cupboard that had alcohol stored in it, she took a bottle, and walked back to him. She changed the bloody napkin to a new one, dipping alcohol in it and cleaning the surface of his knuckles. She handed him a cup of water and pills, but he rejected them. 

"You need it, otherwise you will feel the pain hours later." He drank it immediately with his eyes still watching her.  After the whole treatment, she cleared the broken pieces of wood and glass on the floor. Kervyn watched her astonishingly the whole time and she could feel his eyes were on her the whole time. 

"That's creepy." She said, packing the torn papers on the floor.

"What's, what's creepy?" He asked.

" You staring at me..., The whole time." She smiled.

"Staring? Staring at you? Am not staring at you...[LAUGHING] Why are you even helping me dress my wounds and mess? After all, I did to you?" He asked confusedly.

Xiomara sighed. "I... uhh, well someone needed to treat your wounds and clear your mess, or else you break down the whole house... not that I care but, I want to sleep peacefully tonight,... with a roof over my head and a complete house with walls." They both laughed at her remark.

"Thank you!" He said. 

"I, uh,...just wanted to know how long I will be staying here. He looked at her, thinking for a moment before an intriguing idea dropped in his mind.

 "Sé mi esposa!"  ("Be my wife...!") 



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