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"Hello?" Kervyn asked, wondering who it was.

~" Hello! Kervyn help me!" Mara cried through the other side of the phone.

"Mara! Bebita! Mi amor! ("Baby girl, My Love!") He cried out.



"Mierda! Mierda!" (SHIT!) He cursed. 

"Hello? Baby! Mara? Mara, can you hear me?" The phone was cut off after the gunshot. He threw the phone to the floor and walked to the opposite side of the jet, kicking the seats in rage.

"Shit! Fuck! Fuck!" Kervyn banged the seats of the jet. Gedeon sat opposite him, quietly not wanting to stand in his way.

"What did she say?" Gedeon asked, drawing Kervyn's attention. 
~" She just said Help me!" Kervyn roared.
~ "Calm down, kervyn, at least you know that she is alive, so.... what is the plan?" Gedeon asked. Kervyn sank into his seat.

"I know where he is taking her to... Tell the pilot to land in San Francisco, Alert the boys in Columbia... We need to team up and get to them before Minato can think of doing something hurtful." 

"Alright!" Gedeon leaves Kervyn to meet the pilot.


Mara was asleep on a bed, she opens her eyes and sees herself dressed in a mulberry evening dress, she doesn't remember taking off her jeans to wear this. She scanned the room and her memories came once again. It was her room before she ran away from home.

"Psicopata! monstruo...(Psycho! Monster!) How dare he,... brings me back to this fucking place." She yelled, jumping off the bed but dragged back by the chains that held her down to the wall. She looked up and saw how thick the chains were. She screamed in pain and struggled but the chains left bruises on her wrist. The doorknob turned, and Mara laid back on the bed like earlier, pretending to be asleep, she peeped to see who it was, It was Kei. "Bitch!" She mouthed quietly. Kei walked up to the window and raised the curtains, she wore a blood-red dress, with a slit high to her thighs, she turned and stared at Mara.

"Get up! It is time for the feast... Minato wants you!" Kei smirked. Mara's eyes opened immediately when she heard his name.

"Why? What feast?" She lashed. Kei laughed and went to the door, holding the door.

"When you see him, ask him." She turned back to face the door. Mara cleared her throat. 
"Are you going to help me out of this or....?" Mara asked staring at Kei irritatedly. Kei unlocked the chains from her and walked back to the door. 

"I do not know what Kervyn saw in you and now,... Minato, what is so attractive in you that I do not have?" Kei hissed. Mara smiled "Quizas soy menos puta como tu." ("maybe I'm less of a whore like you.") Kei walked up to her in anger and punched her in the gut. Mara coughed and laughed.

"Never speak like that to me again or else..." Kei lashed out bitterly.
~"O si no que?... Eres como los demas, Minato te usara y desues de eso, te dejara, tal como lo hizo conmigo..." ("Or else what?...You are like the others, Minato will use you and after that, he will leave you, just like he did to me.") Mara laughed and walked past her.

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