Chapter 8 - Day After Day

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Year 843

The days faded into weeks, the weeks into months. Amelia found herself in a world of belonging. Every person at the training corps had some sort of drive to stay there, after about a week nearly all of the unmotivated cadets had left. 

One cold morning at breakfast Amelia, Hitch, Millie and Noa were sitting at their normal table and it was a standard day, except for the snow dusting the ground outside. Winter had fallen, but  that wasn't stopping their training. That day they had a 10 mile run, ODM training, and a short battle tactics lesson.

As the four of them were talking about the day ahead, a crash echoed throughout the dining hall. Startled, Amelia turned. Two guys were brawling, and one of them was the jerk from their first hand-to-hand combat session. He was losing.

"I wonder why they're fighting," said Millie.

Noa replied, "who knows. Maybe the other guy decked the jerkwad like Amelia did and he's angry about it, so they're having a rematch over breakfast."

"But over breakfast? That seems like a stupid time to fight," said Hitch.

Amelia laughed, "I'm just glad he's not intent on fighting me again. Last week when he tried to break my arm because I beat him that one time was kind of terrifying. Noa, thanks for stepping in."

"It's no problem. You're my friend."

Amelia smiled, but the peaceful atmosphere was broken once again when the jerk stormed out the door. 

"I don't think he's coming back," said Noa.

"Finally," said Hitch, "he sucked."

"He did," agreed Millie.

Everyone in the dining hall looked at each other, then returned to their breakfast. Some cadets got up and patted the guy who got the jerk out of there on the back. No one liked him. 

The day sped by. It was raining during the run, so they had to wear their hooded coats, but thankfully it had cleared up for the ODM training. The cadets practiced their maneuvers in the forest, to test their ability to steer clear of trees whilst moving through the air at fast speeds. The battle tactics was the same old class, just sit there and listen to the instructor talk about team strategies, and answer questions when asked. During that lesson Millie and Hitch had a full conversation by passing a piece of paper between the two of them. 

The day finished in the same way as all of the previous ones, with some free time and then dinner. During dinner Amelia asked, "Hey, what were you two talking about during that Battle Tactics class?"

Millie replied, "We were just talking about back home," Millie replied, "We lived near each other, though we never had any contact."

"Really?" Noa asked, "so you both lived in the interior?"

"Yeah," answered Hitch, "near Stohess district."

"Stohess? Isn't that in Wall Sina?" asked Amelia.

"It is," responded Millie, "but it was really cramped. I don't really want to go back."

"Neither," said Hitch, "it was fancy and all that, but full of haughty and smug people, thinking they're above all those outside of Wall Sina."

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