Chapter 4 - The First Night in a New World

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Year 843


Amelia snapped to attention as she heard the commands of the training instructor. 

"Welcome to the 100th Cadet Training Corps!" 

The training commander was a women in her early 40's. She had long brown hair in a thick plait down her back and hazel eyes. She was about 5'7, and intimidating. Amelia  didn't want to be at the other end of her glare.

"My name is Isana Meijer, and I am the current commander of the Training Corps," she said, "tonight, you will be taught the salute of the military, be given your uniforms and be told what you will be doing for the next three years. The Rite of Passage will be at the moment the sun is up tomorrow."

Feverish chatter broke out through the crowd of kids.  Most of it was excited, though some was nervous. No one knew what the "Rite of Passage" was, so everyone was curious. Amelia though, kept her eyes fixed on the commander.

"This is our salute," she said, "the right hand on the left side of your chest, over where your heart is."

Everyone in the crowd copied the instructor. A girl with chin length wavy brown hair standing next to Amelia put her left arm on her right chest, which was corrected fairly quickly by those standing around her. Amelia however, didn't say a word. She knew from experience that if she wanted to be liked by people she shouldn't go around correcting people, no matter how much what they were doing annoyed her. 

It's not that she wanted to be popular. She just didn't want people to dislike her.

"Over the next three years, you will be going through harsh training. Most importantly, you will be learning how to use Omni-Directional Mobility Gear, more commonly known as ODM Gear, as well as hand to hand combat and other training that is necessary."

Another wave of feverish chatter broke out in the crowd. Everyone was excited to learn how to use the ODM Gear. Commander Meijer raised her hand, indicating for silence. The chatter dispersed in a matter of seconds.

"The cabins where you will be sleeping for the next three years are over there," Commander Meijer pointed to her right, "the ones for the boys are on the right of the tree, and the girls are on the left. You are not allowed in the cabin of the opposite sex."

"Now, as you head over to the dining halls, collect your uniforms. Dismissed!"

Amelia watched as the crowd dispersed. Everyone wanted to be the first to collect their uniforms so they could be the first to get dinner. Amelia joined the line that was moving surprisingly quickly. When she reached the front, the Garrison soldiers who were giving out the uniforms looked her up and down, then gave her a brown jacket, a green cloak, white pants and brown boots.

Everyone was going to the cabins to claim beds and put their new uniforms away before dinner, so Amelia followed. She felt a little lost, as she knew no one, but following the stream of girls to the cabins was enough to make Amelia feel slightly more at ease.

She managed to secure a top bunk next to the girl's who was standing next to her just a little bit earlier. Amelia said hello, and she replied with a greeting of her own. When Amelia had put the uniform in the draws underneath the bunks, she left the cabin to go to the dining hall. 

When she got there, others were also entering through the doors and getting their food. It was stew and bread, nothing fancy, but Amelia was fine with that. She didn't really care what she ate, she just needed food.

"Can I sit here?" Amelia was brought back into the world by a voice next to her. She looked up and saw the girl who she said hello to earlier.

"Oh, of course!" She was grateful for the company. She was technically alone after all, with no one that she knew.

The girl slid onto the seat opposite Amelia, "I'm Hitch Dreyse," the girl said, "you are?"

"Amelia Springer," replied Amelia, "pleasure to meet you."

"Pleasure to meet you too," Hitch said, "now, out with the formalities, you are really pretty."

Amelia was taken aback. She was used to compliments, and even though she did hate them it always made her feel amazing when a complete stranger would say she's pretty or something.

"Thank you. I was just about to say you're gorgeous as well." With her sitting opposite Amelia, she could look at her features a little better. She had almond shaped hazel eyes with rather long eyelashes and wavy brown hair that was chin height with messy bangs hanging around her eyes.

To Amelia's surprise, she laughed before thanking her. "Thanks. Not many people think I'm pretty."

Amelia stared at her dumbfounded. "Are you kidding?" she asked, "how could they not?"

Hitch laughed again, and this time Amelia started laughing too. The way she spoke, the way she laughed, everything reminded her of Ella. She was obviously an airhead type of person, just like her, but also observant of everything around her.

When Hitch recovered from her laughter, she asked, "Why are you here? Choice or forced upon you?"

"Choice," said Amelia, "I want to join the Survey Corps."

It was Hitch's turn to stare at Amelia dumbfounded, "Really? I want to join the Millitary Police. And my parents kinda just pushed me out the door and said "Don't come back until you're something special." Honestly, I was happy to get out of there. Honestly got a bit boring, with them fawning over my cousin."

The two of them continued chatting while eating their dinner, and when the bell rang signalling curfew, they walked out together. As they were sitting on their bunks Hitch asked, "Wait. You're saying you have three siblings?"

"And you have none?" shot back Amelia. They had struck up an easy friendship, and were now talking about their families. They seemed equally surprised about each others family relationships. Amelia with her three younger sibling, and Hitch with no siblings at all.

"How do you survive? I've had it hard enough with my cousins, and I didn't even see them everyday."

"Well," said Amelia, "my oldest sibling, Connie, is eight and a little devil. Then there's Sunny, at six years old and an angel. But then there's just Martin who is three and is a mixture of both of them."

"Seems like an entertaining family." 

Amelia smiled, and Hitch smiled back. 

"Anyway, I gotta go to sleep. If we have to be up before sunrise, then I have to go to sleep now," Hitch said, "Wake me up will you? I can never do it myself."

Amelia nodded, and then and she was getting ready to go sleep herself, she found the piece of paper Ella had given her. As she opened it she found a drawing of herself and Ella. It was so lifelike, and Amelia could tell how many hours went into it. Ella had always been an artist, and a good one at that. She put the drawing in the draw where her uniform was and lay down. 

She stared at the ceiling, thinking that she would never fall asleep, but after only minutes, she did.

Authors Notes

Hey people. Yes, it was Hitch that I decided to make a little older. I know that she was a part of the 104th training corps and therefore younger, but I was feeling lazy so I changed things up a little. I hope none of you mind, but her personality will not change at all, she's just older. That's it. Bye

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