Chapter 6 - ODM Gear

12 0 0

Year 843


The winches on the machines used to practice ODM Gear groaned as cadets were lifted up. They were all learning how to balance properly while in midair, but it wasn't the easiest task. The first fifteen people who tried all fell. But then a cheer went up from Amelia's class as Noa was the first to master it. Hitch fell backwards, but was caught by Amelia who was standing behind her, in case she fell.

"Good thing I was standing there," she chuckled, and then it was her turn.

The cables were attached to her belt, and Amelia felt a surge of excitement. Over twenty people had managed to balance for a minute so far, and she hoped to add to that tally. 

"You ready?" asked Harry Davies, a boy in their class. He was in charge of turning the winch to lift them up, and Amelia nodded, taking a deep breath. Hitch was behind her to catch her incase she fell backwards, and Millie in front if she fell forwards.

Amelia just managed to stay up for the entire minute, but as she was being lowered she fell backwards into Hitch's arms.

"Oh hey, didn't expect to see you down there."

"Be quiet," Amelia laughed.

By the end of the morning, all fourteen people in their class had mastered the gear, well, at least the practice machines. The next day they would be given their full set of gear, and have to wear it all day, to get used to it. That afternoon though, they had a hand-to-hand combat training and an intensive workout. Amelia wasn't looking forward to the workout, nor was she looking forward to the combat training. 

After a small lunch, she and her class walked over to the area where they would be doing the hand-to-hand combat training. They joined with another class for the training, and were partnered up by the instructor supervising them, and then had to get a wooden dagger held by the other person. Amelia was put with a bulky guy who towered over her. He had grey eyes and messy hair, and his face was anything but kind.

The instructor showed them a few techniques, but they were also allowed to use any of their own techniques as long as they were efficient and wouldn't kill or break any bones. All punches were to be pulled, and all kicks held back. Amelia held the dagger first. 

"Since you're a girl, I'll go easy on you." said the boy.

"Oh, thank you for being such a gentleman," retorted Amelia.

Amelia stood her ground. She wasn't intimidated by this guy, and wasn't going to attack first and leave any openings in her stance. 

The boy ran at her, stubbornly believing he could disarm her. As he went for the dagger, Amelia ducked under his arm and pushed him over. He unbalanced, toppled, and stayed on the ground for the count of three.

Hitch called out from ten metres away, "Amelia, that was awesome!" She was lying on the ground after being kicked over by a girl from their class. Amelia smiled, then offered a hand to the boy she felled. He slapped it out of the way and picked himself up. Amelia threw him the dagger.

"Still going easy on me?" Amelia was taken aback by her own words. She wasn't normally this sassy, and she definitely had never pushed someone over, other than her best friend Ella.

The boy snarled and then ran at her full speed. Her comment seemed to have spurred him on, and he definitely wasn't going as easy as he was before. Amelia was taken by surprise and fell, but she wasn't going to stay down like he did. She grabbed his legs and pulled his feet out from under him. She quickly disarmed him and got up.

"I win," said Amelia. She offered her hand again, but he pushed her away. Amelia watched as he went off to find his next target.

"What's his problem?" asked Hitch, walking over.

"I don't know. Guess he doesn't like being beaten."

The rest of the afternoon went by slowly. The workout felt like it went for hours and hours, when it really only went for an hour and a half. It consisted of relays, push-ups, and a lot of yelling from the instructor. If one of them missed a push-up, they would all have to run a lap. 

It wasn't fun for any of them. Even the really buff guy in their class was panting by the end. Amelia felt like she was going to die, and Hitch's legs stopped working. Millie had to help Amelia carry her to the cabin, where she promptly collapsed on her bunk. Amelia felt like doing the same, but she took a quick shower and then got out of her uniform. She tried to get Hitch to get out of her uniform, but she was already fast asleep.

While Hitch was sleeping, Amelia and Millie chatted outside on the deck in front of their cabin. The sun was just starting to set, and as it did a horse and cart left with some cadets.

"Where are they going?" asked Millie as they watched the cart.

"They quit," said a voice coming up beside them. It was Noa. "They decided they couldn't handle the training and asked to leave."

"Really?" asked Millie, "today was rough, but I can't imagine leaving because of that."

After that, the mood was more solemn. But then the bell rang to signal that dinner was very soon.

It took the combined effort of nearly every girl in their cabin to wake Hitch up in time to get changed before dinner. But then in the dining hall she snapped to attention when she caught the boy making faces at Amelia, who didn't notice a thing.

"Seriously, what is that guy's problem?" she grumbled.

"Who's problem?" asked Noa, having missed the fights between Amelia and the jerkwad.

"That guy," Hitch tilted her head at him, and Millie, Amelia and Noa turned to see who she was talking about, "Amelia kicked his butt earlier today and he's still salty about it."

"Hitch, it's fine," said Amelia, who placed her hand on Hitch's, "it's not like it's possible for everyone to get along."

"Yes, but he shouldn't be mad because you were awesome."

"Hitch, calm down," said Millie.

"No! He dislikes Amelia just because she knocked him over in combat training! What was she meant to do? Let him knock her over?" Hitch slammed her fist on the table.

"Hitch! It's fine!" yelled Amelia. Everyone looked over at them and she hurriedly lowered her voice, "I don't care if he doesn't like me! I'm fine with that! Please, just clam down!"

"Fine. I said what I wanted to," said Hitch, frustrated. After that, there was a tense atmosphere hovering over them. Noa tried to start a conversation a few times, but they didn't last long.

That night, it took Amelia a long time to go to sleep. She stared at the ceiling, thinking about her fight with Hitch for hours before finally drifting off into an uneasy sleep.

Author's Notes

Hehehehehe. Girl drama, but it's more than that. I'll leave you to ponder why Hitch was so frustrated.


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