010 Killer Within

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Ten, Killer Within.

      Adeline had remained at Hershel's side for the entire three days he was on bed rest

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      Adeline had remained at Hershel's side for the entire three days he was on bed rest. She felt like a nurse again, almost like Hershel was one of her patients and she was back in the ER. But that unfortunately was not the case.

      However, she remained optimistic about his recovery and had faith that he would bounce back in no time— he was one of the strongest men she knew.

      And she was correct, the second he grew tired of taking too many naps and staring at the familiar metal bars of the bunk bed, Hershel insisted he gets up on his. . . now one foot and take a stroll. Glenn and Maggie had found a pair of crutches perfect for him to use and Beth had taken a knife to each of his pant legs and adjusted them to a suitable size so he wouldn't stumble and sustain any further injuries.

      After a reluctant Adeline agreed, her father-in-law wasted no time in grabbing the crutches leant against the wall and standing up onto his one limb, support underneath each of his armpits as he steadied himself.

"Careful, go slow." Adeline urged her hand on his back as an extra precaution, taking slow and small steps just as he did. The older man seemed fine, a smile on his face as he exited the cell block.

      Beth had a wide grin stretched across her face, yet the fret something could happen to her father still lingered in her mind.

      "I can't stand looking at the bottom of that bunk anymore." The old man complained, walking further through the prison, "You know, I think I'm pretty steady." He announced, Adeline and now Lori's hands still in position to help him if it came to it.

      "Wanna take a rest?" Lori questioned, and the man only chuckled.

      "Rest? Let's go for a little stroll."

      Despite Adeline's hesitation, she still followed after the man, Lori, Beth, Lola and Carl hot on their trail. The brunette pulled open the squeaky gate door that led to the outside courtyard, she helped him down the three small steps— a little wobbly but the man caught himself— and opened another set of gates for the man, giving him access to wander across the pavement.

      "You cleared all those bodies out?" Hershel questioned as he examined the now bare yard, free of the dead that just a few days ago littered the ground. "It's starting to look like a place we could really live in." He simpered, also enjoying the fresh air and sunlight that beamed down on him after being bed-bound and stuck inside his cell for almost three days. 

      "Hey, watch your step. The last thing we need is you falling." Lori etched, concern seeping through her words.

      They made it to one of the many barbed fences, giving Hershel the chance to look over the entirety of the prison yard. At the same time, they could hear the faint yell Glenn let out, "All right, Hershel!"

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