21. New Developments

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You had kept your promise to your mom, asleep in your bed before midnight and ready for the next day. Surprisingly, you woke up the next morning feeling great. The excitement from the night before must have still been moving through your system.

Like always, Eddie picked you up before school, "Good morning, sweetheart" he said as you opened up the passenger side door.

"Good morning, Eddie" you replied with a smile.

"I couldn't stop thinking about you last night" Eddie said as he pulled into the road.

"Oh?" you said curiously.

"So I was thinking... you should come over this weekend. My uncle will be working late as usual and I just thought we could use some quality alone time" Eddie said with a slightly mischievous tone.

"Okay... was there something you had in mind?" you asked, already knowing what he was alluding to.

"You'll just have to wait and see" Eddie said with a smirk. He then turned his music up as the two of you drove the rest of the way to school. You were equally excited and nervous about the conversation you had just had. Eddie hadn't really made suggestions like this before, not that you were complaining, but it caused an electricity to move through your body.

You couldn't stop thinking about Eddie and what the two of you would do this weekend. And although you didn't fall asleep in class like you promised your mom, you definitely weren't focused on the topic. Much of your time was spent doodling and writing in the margins of your notebook thoughts about Eddie. 

During lunch, Eddie couldn't keep his hands off of you. No matter what he was doing, he always had a hand on your thigh, a foot brushing against your ankle, or his arm around your shoulder. You thought it was cute and although you had never really been a fan of PDA, you didn't care what anyone thought about the two of you because you were in heaven. 

However much you were enjoying the attention, it did seem a little odd to you. Eddie hadn't been this physical or public about his affection towards you before this. You supposed it really meant a lot to him last night that you showed up and supported Corroded Coffin at their concert. He has said that flattery worked with him and you had definitely given both him and the band plenty of compliments. 

Lunch was over before you know it, and with it, the attention from Eddie. Your afternoon classes were boring, they usually were as you didn't have Eddie in any of them to help entertain you. However, you had started recently talking to a girl in your math class. It was actually the same girl that you had seen at Family Video the other night. You had learned that her name was Robin and she was pretty weird, but weird in a good way. And along with Dustin, she too was good friends with Steve.

You were happy that you had started making connections outside of Hellfire because as much as you enjoyed their company, sometimes it was nice to talk to someone that didn't think that D&D was the most important thing on the planet

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You were happy that you had started making connections outside of Hellfire because as much as you enjoyed their company, sometimes it was nice to talk to someone that didn't think that D&D was the most important thing on the planet. During class, you and Robin would often make jokes about the quirky things that the teacher would say and do. You often found yourself having to stifle your laughter. 

Wanting to become actual friends and not just classmates, after class you approached her and  suggested that you hang out sometime. She lit up at the idea of this and threw out a bunch of suggestions, "We could go see a movie, or we could hang out at the arcade, or... or... we could people watch at the park...". She continued to ramble on and honestly, not make a lot of coherent noises or sentences. She was someone that easily got flustered and lost in her own thoughts, something you were kind of able to relate to.

"Robin!" you yelled, snapping her out of her rambling, "All that sounds great. Let's plan something next week, okay?".

"Okay" she said and ran off to her next class.


At the end of the day, you walked out to the parking lot to meet Eddie. He was leaning against his van with his arms crossed. When he saw you, his face lit up. You found yourself wrapped up in his arms with him landing kisses all over your face. "Okay, okay" you said loudly when people started to stare.

"Sorry sweetheart, I've just been thinking about you all afternoon" Eddie said while looking you up and down.

"What's up with you today?" you asked.

"What do you mean?" Eddie said clearly confused.

"You've been all over me today, you're never like this. What changed?" you wondered.

"I don't know, I just can't help myself, you're perfect" he said with a big grin. His tone and body language then switched, "Do you not like it? I can stop, just give the word and I'll stop". 

"Are you kidding? I love it, but I do worry it might be a bit much around others" you admitted.

"Well then I'll just have to save it for behind closed doors" Eddie said with a wink.

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