15. You're Beautiful

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The daylight started to become less and less. You and Eddie had spent a few hours at Skull Rock, but it was getting colder and you were getting hungrier. Both you and Eddie agreed to head out. You still weren't feeling up to going home, so you and Eddie agreed to get something to eat at the diner downtown.

At the diner, both you and Eddie ordered a burger and fries. Walking around and hanging out in the woods really built up your appetite and you scarfed your dinner down. Eddie stared at you as you ate your burger aggressively. You noticed Eddie staring, you looked at him and innocently asked "What?". Eddie just burst into laughter.

You and Eddie were joking around and laughing when you heard a familiar voice yell over, "Can you keep it down, freaks?". You turned around to see Jason glaring over at you. There was pure hatred in his face. Your plan was to simply ignore Jason, but Eddie had other plans.

 Your plan was to simply ignore Jason, but Eddie had other plans

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"Fuck off, Carver" Eddie shouted back. At this point, the other customers in the diner turned to see what was going on.

"What was that, freak?" Jason asked.

"Oh you heard me, fuck off." Eddie said with a mocking smile but a serious tone.

Jason was up off his feet and moving quickly over to your table. Worried that Eddie was about to get punched, without thinking, you stood up and put your body between Jason's and Eddie's. Jason stopped in front of you, clearly not wanting to hit a girl, but angered enough to possibly push through you. Just as things were getting really tense, the diner owner came over and said sternly, "Hey, break it up or take it outside".

You slowly started to back up and reached for Eddie's hand. You overheard one of the other basketball players say, "Let it go man". You recognized the basketball player as Lucas, the Hellfire club member that you had filled in for. Your brain could not comprehend how he could stand to hang out with someone like Jason. 

Eddie threw some cash on the table and walked out of the diner with you. Jason glared at both of you the whole time you made your way to Eddie's van.

Once you and Eddie were safely on the road, you said with concern, "You need to be careful, Eddie. I don't want you getting hurt".

"Don't worry about me sweetheart, I can handle myself" Eddie said confidently.

"I'm sure you can, but just don't be stupid, that's all I ask" you said. Eddie just looked at you and nodded.

"So should I take you home?" Eddie asked, changing the subject.

"Is it okay if I hang out with you for a bit longer?" you asked.

"Of course" Eddie said with a smile.


By the time Eddie drove back to his trailer and parked outside, it was almost 8 o'clock. As you walked up to the front door, Eddie opened it for you. Arriving in the trailer, you saw there was someone else there. "Hey Wayne, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is my uncle, Wayne" Eddie said and gestured to both of you.

"Nice to meet you, darlin'" Wayne said to you.

"Nice to meet you too, Mr. Munson" you replied.

"Well I gotta head to the plant for my shift, see you in the morning Eddie. Nice meeting you again Y/N" Wayne said as he grabbed his stuff and headed out the door. You and Eddie waved him out.

Just as the door to the trailer closed, Eddie grabbed your sides and started tickling you. You ran to his room to try to escape him, but he only tackled you onto the bed and continued tickling you. "Stop Eddie!" you yelled through laughter.

"What's the magic word?" Eddie said in a teasing sing-song voice.

"Please stop, Eddie!" you begged.

"That's better" Eddie said and ceased his tickling. Laying on your back on Eddie's bed, you finally had a moment to catch your breath. Eddie laid down next to you on his side. You and Eddie laid there in silence for a few moments, but you could feel Eddie's eyes on you. You turned to face him, his face only mere inches away.

"You're beautiful" Eddie said gently, his eyes moving all around your face. You felt the blood rush to your cheeks.

"So are you" you said. Eddie chuckled lightly. And then your lips met.

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