14. Skull Rock

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You woke up on Saturday morning feeling great, the best you had felt in a long time, and it was all because of Eddie. Eddie Munson likes you. Eddie Munson kissed you. You had to repeatedly say these things to yourself because it was almost too good to be true. Your morning was spent tidying your room and catching up on school work.

After lunch, the phone rang and you ran for it, being sure to beat your parents to the phone. "Hello, Y/N speaking" you said into the phone.

You heard the words "Hey, sweetheart" and your heart melted. You loved it when Eddie called you sweetheart. 

"Hey, Eddie" you said back in a happy tone.

"Would you want to hang out again today? I had an idea of somewhere we could go" Eddie said to you.

"Let me check with my mom real quick. Be right back". You set the phone down and found your mom sitting in the living room with your dad. You approached her politely and asked, "Hey Mom, Eddie was wondering if I could hang out with him. Is it okay if I go?".

Before your mom could say anything, your dad butted in, "You sure are spending an awful lot of time with this boy. I don't like it. I don't want you ending up pregnant".

You were so taken aback, "Why can't you trust me, dad?" you asked defeated.

"I trust you, but I don't trust that Satan worshipping trailer trash" your dad said harshly. That was it. You had had it. Before your mom could try to better the situation, you were running upstairs, telling Eddie to pick you up as soon as possible, grabbing your jacket and bag, and heading out the door. 

You had made it a few blocks when you saw Eddie's van heading towards you. You flagged him down and got in. "Everything okay?" Eddie asked with concern.

"Not really. My dad doesn't want me spending time with you. He thinks that you're gonna get me pregnant and that you're a bad influence. We got into an argument and I couldn't be at home, so that's why I had you pick me up so soon" you replied holding in your anger and maybe even some tears.

"Shit. And here I was thinking I made a good impression that night I was over for dinner. I'm sorry" Eddie said apologetically.

"It's not your fault. It's my dad. He is extremely judgmental and hears only what he wants to." you said while looking out the window.

"I'm so sorry you have to deal with that, Y/N" Eddie said genuinely.

"Let's just try to have a good day" you said with a hopeful tone.

"Sounds good, I want to take you to one of my favorite spots to hang out" Eddie said with a smile. You nodded in agreement and turned up the stereo.

After a few minutes of driving to what seemed like to the middle of nowhere, Eddie pulled to the side of the road and said, "We walk from here".

"You're not gonna like murder me or something, are you?" you asked jokingly.

Eddie let out a loud chuckle and then looked at you and said, "Just trust me". You and Eddie walked for a few minutes through the hilly forest. Eventually, you arrived at a large rock structure, "Welcome to Skull Rock", Eddie said with open arms.

 Eventually, you arrived at a large rock structure, "Welcome to Skull Rock", Eddie said with open arms

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"Yeah, definitely doesn't sounds like you're gonna murder me" you teased. Curious about why Eddie brought you here, you then ask, "So what actually is this place?".

"Well a lot of people come here to hook up," your felt a pit of nerves in your stomach form at these words, "but I like to just come up here to get away from it all. It's one of my favorite places to smoke and chill" Eddie continued.

"So what are we here to do?" you asked shyly.

Eddie looked at you as if trying to read you, "I thought we could smoke and talk".

Your heart dropped, "Eddie, I don't smoke" you said.

"Not even a little weed now and then?" Eddie asked curiously.

"Nah, it's not for me, sorry" you said embarrassed.

"Don't worry about it, we can just talk" Eddie said kindly. A huge wave of relief rushed over you. Eddie was not someone that was going to pressure you to do anything, which meant a lot. It made you feel safe and taken care of.

You and Eddie sat on the ground and leaned against the rock for hours just talking. You and Eddie had such deep conversations and it was so easy. You didn't have to suffer through small talk or pretend to be someone else. "What's your greatest fear?" Eddie asked you.

You contemplated the question for a long time and finally said, "I guess I'm scared that my whole existence in this world just doesn't matter. I feel so small and insignificant when I think about the grand scheme of things. What if my whole life is just a pointless mess and I don't make my mark on the universe? You know what I mean?".

"Holy shit, Y/N. I was expecting you to say something like 'spiders', not existential dread" Eddie said in awe. 

You laughed shyly and then said, "Yeah, I have thoughts like this moving through my mind all the time. Sometimes it gets to be too much and I just kind of shut down...".

"Well I'm always here if it ever gets to be too much" Eddie said sincerely.

"Thanks, Eddie" you said. Then all of a sudden, Eddie wrapped his arms around you in a large bear hug. You felt instant warmth and comfort.

"Anytime, sweetheart" Eddie said into your ear.

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