11. Family Video

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The ring of the school bell buzzed through your ears. The last bell of the school day on Friday afternoon. You had made it through an entire week of school at Hawkins High and had learned a few things about the school and your new friends:  1. There were bullies and cliques at this school just like at any other.  2. Many people in town seemed to think that Hawkins was cursed due to a lot of recent trauma.  And finally, 3. Dustin and Mike, but mainly Dustin, from Hellfire were obsessed with some Hawkins High graduate named Steve.

You were at your locker, laughing to yourself about something that had happened at lunch with the club when a heavily ringed hand closed your locker. Eddie leaned against your now shut locker with his arms crossed. "Oh, hey Eddie" you said casually. You had become pretty comfortable with Eddie and the whole Hellfire club and it was typical for Eddie to come and talk to you now.

"Hey, Y/N. So I was thinking, do you want to come over to my place tonight? Maybe we could rent a movie or something? I feel it's my turn to be the gracious host" Eddie said in a teasing voice.

"Well it is only fair" you replied in your own teasing voice. You were excited about the idea of watching a movie with Eddie Munson in his trailer! It was still unclear if he was interested in you or if he was just wanting to be friends. You and him had definitely had your flirty moments, but nothing solid yet. "But for real, that sounds like fun. Did you have a movie in mind?" you finally asked.

"Whatever you want" he said with a wink. "Be at my place at 7?"

"You got it" you said replying with finger guns. Eddie turned to leave and you smacked yourself in the face. Finger guns? What's wrong with me? you thought. It's like you forgot how to be a functioning human around him.


When you got home, you told your mom that you were planning on going to Eddie's tonight to watch a movie. "Okay honey, just be safe and don't be out too late. Home by midnight, okay?" She said this with concern in her voice.

"I'll be fine mom, thanks" you said and gave her a quick hug.

After dinner, you decided to head to Family Video to pick out a movie for yours and Eddie's movie night. You figured you would stop to pick up the VHS and then head over to Eddie's right after. The video store was on your way to Eddie's anyway.

When you entered the Family Video, you were greeted by a man in a green vest with great hair. "Can I help you find anything miss?" You looked down and noticed the name Steve on his name tag. You wondered if this was the infamous Steve.

"I'm really just looking, thanks" you responded politely

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"I'm really just looking, thanks" you responded politely. 

"You picking up a movie for a date night?" Steve asked, clearly trying to figure out if you were available.

"Just picking one out to watch with a friend" you said as you looked at the movies, rather than at Steve.

"Hey lover boy!" you heard a girl's voice yell over, "Leave her alone".

An embarrassed look came over Steve's face, "Well just let me know if you have any questions" he said to you. He then walked defeated over to the girl.

"Why do you have to always spoil my fun, Robin?" you overheard Steve say. You giggled to yourself.

After a few minutes of looking, you settled on Ghostbusters, one of your favorites. You brought the VHS up to the counter and the girl checked you out and you were on your way.

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