• Chapter Eight •

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The day before hell broke loose.

I woke up, and a horrible feeling sat in my stomach.
I knew what was going to happen the day after, but I didn't know how to prevent it.

I did my routine - get out of bed, drink blood, then go and see Zhongli.

He was sat outside his house, looking down. I could easily tell that he was worried. Worried for the people who would get hurt.

"Oh, Y/N... good morning."
Unlike usual, he didn't make eye contact. Or even look up.

I sighed deeply and sat next to him.
"How are you holding up? You looked pale last night, and you still do..."

"I am... fretting. I am afraid. I feel extremely anxious... not just for the citizens of Liyue but also for you." He admitted, folding his arms.

"Everything will be okay..." I put my hand on his shoulder. "you're going to help people get to safety, remember? I also had a question..."

Zhongli melted into my touch. It was like he hadn't had the chance to feel any sort of affection forever.
"What is your question...?"

"After all of this is said and done... will we remain friends? Because the entire reason Xiangling introduced us was because... in her perspective, I haven't been the same."

He looked into my eyes, like they were the only thing keeping him from falling apart.
"Friends... hm. Yes, we are friends. Friendship is a bond, and bonds are not designed to be broken."

A smile grew on my face, and so did his.

"So, tomorrow... what will you do? Find and eliminate them?"

I shook my head.
"I'm presuming the fire will grow before they arrive, so I will help everyone to the best of my ability before they find me. And then... I will fight them."

Zhongli nodded and let his head lean against the brick wall behind us, where his eyes met the cloudly sky.

"Afterwards..." I started, causing his gaze to move towards me. "we can have a nice meal that we both like somewhere. Somewhere we haven't been before. Then... I don't know, we can watch the stars until 1am, without having anything to worry about."

'That would be nice...' Zhongli thought, grinning. 'Addressing her as a friend... does not feel correct. It's like I want more than that, however greedy that may portray me as...'

"Unless it rains... which is a fine possibility." He chuckled, pointing at the grey clouds above us.

I laughed and nodded.
"Yeah, then we could do something else. What do you like to do...? Or better, what would you like to do?"

Zhongli turned to face me.
His eyes stared at my lips for a good few seconds.

'I would like to... connect my lips with yours...' He thought to himself once again, but snapped out of that trance almost instantly.

"Ahem... well, I have always wanted to share my entire knowledge about this world with somebody... but we would be there for many hours... and not one person has been interested in everything I want to say just yet."

"Then let's do that. While we're stargazing, in case it doesn't rain. Then I can be that one person who wanted to hear anything and everything that you have to say."

'If I survive, that is...' I heard my mind mutter. It was annoying that it was true.

"Talking about everything, while stargazing in the rain... yes, that does seem sophisticated. Maybe even exciting."

I agreed.
"Well, not everyone will be able to say they've done it, which is a cool plus."

"Yes, of course... but if it rains, we'd both catch a cold and would have to wrap up warm together."

It was nice to talk to him about things that didn't involve three vampires.

"Aha, is that so?"

Zhongli let out another breathy laugh and nodded his head yes.
"I do not bite."

"I do."
That made him laugh even more, which I didn't intend to happen. It was funny, though.

"Hmhm, so early in the day yet you are already making me laugh. You do have a gift, Y/N. Now, excuse me for being so direct, but I would enjoy the chance to spend the day with you today... if you'd find that appealing?"

"Of course."

He lent out a hand and helped me off of the ground.
"Perfect. Then come with me, and I will show you the endless yet fascinating possibilities that Liyue can provide."

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