• Chapter Seven •

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I grabbed a branch off of a tree and fiddled with it. It was flimsy and weak, like all of the others I'd just pulled off. I was getting both frustrated and nervous. We were just over a day away from fire, death and blood.

I slowly sunk to the ground.
"People will die if I'm not strong enough..." I whispered, sniffing. I regretted ever telling Zhongli anything... if I just kept my thoughts to myself, nothing would have happened and perhaps we would've met at better circumstances.

"Hey, Xiangling! I found her!"

I heard a familiar girl's voice; I quickly sat up and shoved my stocked up blood into my bag.
Upon getting off of the floor I was met with Xiangling and Yun Jin's smiles.

"Hi...? What are you guys doing?"
I asked innocently... as if I wasn't terrified and paranoid.

"We were going to invite you to go and see a fortune teller with us this evening!" Xiangling exclaimed. She clearly had it planned for a while.

"Oh...? Is Zhongli going?"

They both giggled and nodded.

"Yes, but you two have been spending time together ever since Xiangling introduced you both. Is it just me, or has she set up a couple?~"
Yun Jin smiled and shook her head after saying it, just to tell me that she was joking.

"Yeah, alright, I'll go with you..."
I mumbled.

I couldn't look at them. Whenever I did, all I could see was... death.
Those vampires were torturing me. Why would I want to see my best friends dead? Or anyone I know, for that matter?

"Great! We are all meeting outside that massive hall by the ocean at 7.30, make sure to be there!" Xiangling smiled and they walked away.

I picked up my bag and ran after them. The last thing I wanted was for them to be on their own with those vampires running around.


The three of us stayed at Wanmin restaurant for the rest of the day, as Xiangling had to work, and Yun Jin wasn't doing any performances that day either.

The two of them spotted Zhongli and headed towards him. I followed closely behind them, but I was too deep in thought to greet him.

It got awkward really quickly.

"Uh... well, are all of us here?" Yun Jin looked around and nodded. "Then, lets head off. I hope we can get a good seat!"


Once we arrived at the fortune teller's, we were lucky we even got to sit down. It was completely packed with people.

I sat next to Zhongli. I didn't say anything and nor did he... but I could still feel his soft gaze on me.

"Do you think it'll start soon?"
Xiangling asked me, causing me to snap out of my thoughts.

"Probably. The place is full."
I whispered back to her as she passed me and Zhongli a bottle of water.

"Welcome, welcome!"
The fortune teller chanted. The audience instantly quietened down.
"Ladies and gentlemen, lend me your ears, as I will be telling you Liyue's fate!"

Everyone clapped, and he bowed.

"You would expect the future of a great city to be bright, cheerful and beautiful... but I can assure you it will not be that way for long..."

Xiangling and Yun Jin looked at each other in confusion.


Me and Zhongli quickly exchanged a glance. His eyes were filled with fear and anticipation, but he knew this was going to happen.


The crowd started to whisper amongst themselves... but still, nobody seemed to believe it.

"People will get hurt, people will die... but I know that two people will fall in love in the process of the danger."

A few people found it completely stupid and walked out of the room.


I noticed Zhongli's hand was shaking.
Feeling bad for him, I intertwined my fingers with his. He flinched but once realizing it was just me, his gaze softened.

Xiangling saw us hold hands. She slightly smiled, but was more frightened by what he was saying.

"Soon, it'll happen. Be prepared, otherwise you'll pay!"
The fortune teller stepped back, and the curtains ended the show.

Everyone left, and so did we.

Yun Jin was the first to speak up.
"I'll admit, that was unsettling... do you think it's true?"

"O-Of course not! Fortune tellers are supposed to tell people about the good things that are going to happen... right?"

Just so she wouldn't be scared, I agreed.
"Yeah, he wouldn't say that if it was really going to happen. If it was, he'd be in Sumeru by now."

Xiangling let out a sigh of relief and nodded. Yun Jin was staring down at mine and Zhongli's hands in awe.

We let go and he cleared his throat.
"Ahem... I am going to head home, now. You three get some rest and please, do not take his prediction too seriously. Goodnight."


"Goodnight, Mr. Zhongli."


He smiled at us and gave me another concered look before leaving.

"I'm going to go as well-"

Before I could go, they started to bombard me with questions.

"Are you two dating?!" Xiangling smirked, imitating us holding hands.

"Aw, it was adorable!" Yun Jin put her hands together.

"No! We're not...! We're... ugh, forget it! Goodnight, you two..."

I left, hearing their laughing behind me.


I flopped on to my bed and shut my eyes.
"Realistically... couldn't this be my second-to-last night alive?" I whispered to myself...

I had to pull myself together, before it was too late.

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