Chapter Five

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Harry's POV

I finally pulled away from Louis. He gave a teasing smile and I just started picking up bags because that's the only way by which I can hide from him my blushing face.

He started leading me towards his seat which we are gonna share.

We reached there and I saw Zayn sitting there with a boy. He must be the Liam guy. They were bantering about something.

"Give me my sandwich you jerk!" Zayn exclaimed loudly.

Liam take the sandwich even higher. Louis came from my behind and yelled at them "What the fuck is going on now? I can't leave you two alone for a minute, huh?"

They both immediately sat down on their seats quietly. I really wanted to laugh but the stayed quiet. I don't want to get scolded as well.

Louis turned towards me and take my bag from my hand and started arranging them in luggage compartment.

"Harry!" Zayn stands up and hugs me. I don't know what to do so I awkwardly hugged him back.

"Are you stalking me?" he asked while moving his eyebrows in a teasing manner. I laughed at that. I already like Zayn.

We were about to settle down then a girl came to our seat. She was wearing shorts and a crop top. She was actually really pretty. She asked in sickly sweet voice "Do any of you have a knife?"

Liam started searching for a knife like a mad man but didn't find one.

"I should have brought bananas!" she exclaimed while waving the apple in her hand.

Louis stand up from his seat and moved closer to her and said "I have..... knife." he pulled out a small keychain sized knife.

She tried to grab the knife but Louis pulled it away while saying "What would I get in exchange of it?" with a flirty grin.

"What do you want?" She flirted back.

"How about a name?"

"Eleanor. And What's yours?" she said while holding her hand out for Louis.

Louis took her hand and kissed it "Louis". she giggled.

"Liam" Liam said while shaking her hand. Me and Zayn just smiled at her.

"Are you all also going to the trekking trip?" she asked.

"if you are going there then how can we go somewhere else?" Louis flirted. she giggled.

"I should be going my friends must be looking for me-" Liam cut her and said "Why don't you guys come and sit with us, the more the merrier, right?" if looks could kill, I swear Liam would be dead a thousand times by the way Zayn was glaring at him.

"Will that be okay?" she looked at Louis while blinking. This girl is a real drama queen.

"Of course darling!" Louis said. I give you one chance to guess how she reacted to it...yeah she giggled. I swear at that I wanted to smack my head on the wall. Why did I agree to this again?

While I was sulking. Zayn has already smack at Liam's head "Can't keep it in your pants even in the train?!?"

Liam while rubbing his head said "Chill Zayn, I promise if there is a boy I will leave him for you" Zayn just rolled his eyes and muttered something under his breath. but didn't say anything after that.

Soon Eleanor was back with 3 of her friends. I was setting in front of Zayn, the only person who is just as irritated with the four girls as me. At times like these I am happy I don't like girls.

"Let's play something" one of the girls shouted.

"Let's play 'Never have I ever'" Liam suggested.

"Yeah!! It's my favorite game" Eleanor clapped excitedly.

"Oh really what a coincidence it's mine as well." Louis exclaimed. He pinched her cheek lightly and she giggled.

"Everyone knows the rules, right?" One of the girls asked.

"We all will say something we haven't done. The people who have done it will take a sip from their glass."

They started distributing beer cups. When they offered me I politely declined saying I don't drink and I even try to decline playing but Louis put a bottle of coke in my hand saying no need to drink alcohol for playing.

The game started one girl, Maya said "Never have I ever get arrested."

Everyone drank except me. My eyes widen.

"Fighting in a bar" Louis, Liam and Zayn exclaimed together then laughed.

"Rave party" Eleanor said.

"I was there too." her other two friends, Dani and Kendall said.

The game went on and I never got a chance to drink. They all have done pretty wild things, I felt like I didn't belong with them. I decided to call it a night and went to sleep. They tried to make me stay but I told them I was tired and asked Louis to wake me up when he wanted to sleep.

I went to the berth but didn't sleep I just lay there thinking if coming to this trip was a mistake, how will I ever fit with them? and finally a tear escaped my eye. I don't even know why was I crying. but I did until sleep take over me.


Hey Everyone.

It's been a while, I know but I didn't have any inspiration to write anything until today.

I want to dedicate this to dementorsxfudge. She is the reason I am writing this. Thank you jaan.

I hope you enjoyed this update.

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