Chapter One

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8 years ago

Harry's Pov

I was at the supermarket with my mother. She was walking a little ahead of me while I was trying to balance my book in one hand and push the trolley full of household goods with my other hand.
I saw myself on the computer screen and realised how stupid I was looking.

I was just at the checkout counter. I heard someone yelling at someone. I check my surroundings to see who was shouting.
I saw a man wearing a black leather jacket, and tight black skinny jeans and he had headphones around his neck.
"What are you looking at?" the man said harshly to a boy who was standing behind him in the checkout line.

"Watch TV if you want to stare at something" he continued.

"Pardon me?" The boy replied.

"Pardon me it seems! I caught you starting! Never seen sexy legs before?"

"I have. These aren't sexy." Boy said. I put my hand on my mouth in shock.

"I'll slap you!! Say sorry!"

"Sorry," the boy said in a bored manner.

"Go stand at the other counter."
The boy ran away. "Idiot" the man mumbled.
Then he turned around and saw me
"Harry...Harry Styles?" He questioned.

"Hey, Zayn" I replied.

"What's up, dude?"


"Is he your friend?" My mom asked.
I don't know what to reply to her.  Zayn is really not my friend. We just used to go to the same high school. But Zayn replied on my behalf " hey, Mrs Styles. I am Zayn. Harry and I were in school together." My mum greeted him.

"Long time huh?" Zayn continued. I just chuckled nervously. I started helping my mum.
"What are you doing these days?" Zayn asked.
"Nothing much" I replied.
But my mother exclaimed, "What do you mean by nothing much?" And turn towards zayn and then said "He is studying medicine." Proudly.

"Wow! You are the same, Harry. He was very smart in school as well."

"That's true! What are you studying?" My mum asked him.
"I am taking an art course. Studying is not my cup of tea. Thank God. We are on a vacation now."

"What are your vacation plans?"


"I am going trekking tomorrow with my friends... Harry, you may remember them, Tommo and Li? From school?"

I try to remember these names but nothing comes. Zayn explained further
"Liam...My best friend? And Tommo... I mean Louis Tomlinson."
I was still really confused.
"Ohh that tiny but feisty one!!"
Then I realised who he was talking about. "Yeah...I remember"

"Anyway, It was great seeing you and Mrs Styles! Bye"
I waved him goodbye and just like that he was gone but not before pinching the bum of that boy. I can't help but giggle. Then the man working at the counter said" Excuse me, sir. Your friend left this." He gave me a brochure. It was a travel agency brochure and has a list of things written on it.  And on the backside a note:

9 A.m London central station.

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