Chapter Three

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Louis' POV

I entered the London Central Station. Today it was extra crowded. I started looking for my friends. After 5 minutes I saw Payno standing by a bench frowning at his phone, then suddenly zayn came and jumped on payno. I started walking towards them.

Liam said irritatedly"Get off me, zayn"
Zayn giggled and said "How, handsome? You are so hot when you are angry!"

Liam pushed zayn off him while saying "Zayn, not now!! This match is very stressful."

Okay, now I get why he was frowning at his phone. Today is a Cricket match which is Liam's favourite sport.

Zayn said a little louder "So stressful that you forget to pick me up, huh?" And also punched Liam.

"Why should I pick you up? Are you a child, huh? Are you going to be kidnapped?" Liam replied.

Zayn rolled his eyes and said "Don't try to be smart! Come on, the train is here."
And he started walking toward the train.

"I don't want to go for this stupid trek."

Zayn turned around and screamed "WHAT?!", a lot of people glared at him but he just ignore them.

I decided to make my presence known before they begin bickering.

"Why not, man?" I go and stand in front of Liam with an eyebrow raised.

"What happened to all those plans of picking up mountain dudes?"

"I can't miss the England-India series over this." He gave this lame fucking excuse.

And at that England lost another wicket and Liam winced. I understood what the problem was.

"You are right. England needs you, bro. Let's go, Zee."
And I walked toward Zayn, he gives me
'are you serious?' look but I just dragged him with me.

"Heyy!!" Liam shouted and run after us.

We stopped. "You are leaving me behind?" He asked.

"Yeah. If you don't want to come.....Don't come." I replied cockily.

"Of course, I want to come.."

"But how? You blew up all your money." I told him knowingly.

He asked, "how did you know?" while looking down.

I walk toward him, saying "you fucking bookie..... I know you more than you think. You bet all your pocket money on this match, right?"

I smiled sadly " Go... You guys have fun."

I grabbed his jaws and hit him playfully "Oho, tragedy queen. Stop this drama. What is my saving for? Let's go."

"No" he replied while shaking his head.

"You have worked for that money, Tommo. Just save it."

"Money is nothing," I told him sternly.
"Money is for spending, not saving!"

"The three of us are going on this trip"

Zayn shouted "Come one"

I and zayn looked expectedly at him. Finally, he yelled, "We're going to kill Clarenwoods."

"Our names will be in their history books forever!"

And we all run towards the train.

Hey, I hope you are enjoying the book.
Please tell me how you feel about this.

The next update may be a little late as I am going out of my town.

Thank you 😊

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