Drone Battle (Part 2)

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The three were driving to Vale(City) to take a break, meanwhile inside Echo-Echo learned how to clone himself and created 4 clones to have some fun.

Echo-Echo4: Now-this-awesome-!
While playing with Echo-Echo3

Echo-Echo3: I-know-right-?

Echo-Echo2: Hey-Dev-you-okay-?

Echo-Echo2 asked Devlin who sat in a corner of the Rust Bucket, shaking in fear.

Devlin: One Ren is enough, but four? If there's a God up there, please help me.....

Devlin's wish was granted and a bright light covered Echo-Echo and he was Ren again.

Ren: Aaaw, I timed out.

Devlin: Sweet Oum, thank you!

Grandpa Max: Phew. Glad that's over, or else we'll be insane in an hour.

Ren: .......

Devlin: Ren, you-

Ren: Shhhh!

Ren shushed Devlin (his tail was used to shush him up) and listened to his surroundings, Grandpa took notice of this, stopped the car and looked at his grandson.

Grandpa Max: There something wrong, Kiddo?

Ren: I heard something.......

Ren heard it again, he explored the Rust Bucket. He then looked at the glass of water, the water inside of it was vibrating.

Ren: I think we're being followed.

There was silence for 3 whole minutes until it did it again, only this time all of them heard it.

Devlin: ....I'm hearing it too.

Now Max heard it too, it was something stomping around the city... He thought it was the Leviathan invasion all over again. But soon it added a 'clanked' sound.....and soon someone screaming.

Grandpa Max: Prepare yourselves boys.

Max grabbed his wrench and blowtorch, Devlin was holding Obelisks, and Ren hold a butter knife.

Ren: W-what w-was t-that?

Devlin: Look!

The three of them looked outside, only to widened their eyes in shock (Ren's tail was shaking).

The three of them looked outside, only to widened their eyes in shock (Ren's tail was shaking)

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