The Last Few Months

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       My eyes open to see a plane flying above me through the clouds, and the contrast of the LA air filling my lungs compared to Amphibia.

"Oh man guys where are we?" Anne groggily says as she lifts her body

"I can tell we're pretty high up" Marcy says while she analyzed our surroundings

I groan and slowly lift up myself and see that we're on top of a building.

"Oh my god" I shout as I flinch back away from the edge. I have a fear of heights from well, you know. I look back at Anne and Marcy trying to find an idea of how the hell I'm getting down from here.

"I see a door it must lead to the bottom." Anne says

We all get up and head to the door and open it revealing old rotten wooden stairs, it smells horrendously god knows what was causing the smell.

"Are you fricking kidding me?" I say frustrated and start heading down, trying to mask the fact I couldn't take being so high up for much longer. Suddenly I hear a loud crash as my right leg falls through one of the rotten stairs.

" Oh my god! Sash are you okay?" Anne shouts running down to me with Marcy following behind.

I pause for a second and let my adrenaline calm down. I start laughing while Anne stares at me with a blank expression clearly confused.

"We cannot catch a break" Marcy says chuckling

"Let's just worry about dodging this bullet" I say removing my leg from the rotted wood.

After that we made our way down very cautiously checking every stare before finally finding level ground.

"We're honestly lucky that we are in an abandoned building, statistically we won the lottery!" Marcy said as we stepped into a dark cobweb filled room.

"I'm so ready to get out of here." I say as I see the door out.

I pause, what is going to happen again once I step out of here? What are my parents going to think? What am I supposed to tell them? I must've paused for a long time because Anne gently touched my shoulder.

"Are you feeling okay?" Anne says softly

"Yeah I'm okay, I'm just, well, what is going to happen to us after we get out of here?" I look down and hear Marcy walking up to us.

"I honestly don't know Sash." Marcy replied, I don't hear Marcy say that often.

"Whatever happens we'll have each other." Anne says while grabbing both of our hands.

We all begin walking to the door while our palms sweat with what we'll find, but I know I'll get through it because I have my girls with me.

-------3 months pass by--------

I sit on my messy vanity looking at myself in the mirror. I run my fingers along all of the scars I had collected from Amphibia. The one being on my cheek being the one I hated the most. I felt stupid I couldn't look at myself for a long time. After a minute I notice my phone lighting up and see the name "Anna Banana" for the caller id. I get a huge pit in my stomach and turn my phone over to face the table.

I walk over to my bed and lay down in the last spot in my room that isn't covered in my clothes. I look at my hands that have chipped nail polish and scars all over them. I roll over and groan into my pillow and after doing that for a few minutes I get up and look through my closet blinds.

Outside my window I see police and construction workers scrambling to resolve what had happened a few short months ago. There's truly no explanation the Government can use to cover this up, but Anne's parents and Mr. X have truly helped us out with our return being as easy as possible. Although I know things will never be the same.

Anne's face has been blurred in every video and document of the fight between her and and Andrias. Thank god, I can't imagine what she'd have to go through if not. I think some people have their suspicions that Marcy and I were involved but there's really nothing you can do but deny it.

Basically, we're all under house arrest to keep that from happening. I haven't been able to see anyone but my parents for the months we've been back, it's terrible and gives me way too much time to sit with my thoughts. I can't bring myself to talk to Marcy or Anne. I don't know why, I just feel like my body starts to burn up and a pit grows each time I talk to them. I feel terrible, I know they're great enough to not hold any grudges and that almost makes it worse. I know they both forgave me, which makes this even lamer why I'm having such a problem.

I'd be lying if I said that this was all bad. House arrest isn't terrible I mean there's no school, and everyone in LA got a few months off. My parents do not appreciate it though, and I think they both blame me for a lot of this. They were in the middle of a divorce when we disappeared and that had to be put on hold for obvious reasons, and now that I'm back from causing the apocalypse it's pretty hard to continue their divorce when their are more important things to be dealt with.

I miss Anne and Marcy, of course I freaking do. I look down at my phone and see hundreds of missed calls from the both of them. I mean I don't know how long this house arrest is going to be for, but it gives me an excuse to hold off facing them. I know after everything goes back to normal (as normal as it can be) Marcy is going to leave. I look at all the unread texts they've sent me and I just feel pathetic again. Anne and Marcy don't need me back in their life's. I'm just glad I could help save them.

My phone starts going off again and I look down expecting to see Marcy or Anne but I see it's my Mom. I brace myself before picking up my phone.

"Sasha it's your mother, they said you can leave the house now." My Mom says hastily

I pause and don't answer.

"You're free to leave now." She responds in a straight tone

My eyes widen and I hear the phone hang up. I have to assume that Marcy and Anne are fine now too, but I'm just not ready to face them. Although at the same time all I want to do is see them.

I realized what I've left for myself after ghosting my best friends for the last few months. My surroundings include dirty clothes, nasty dishes, and a half charged phone.  I check the time and it's still morning-ish so I go downstairs to get some brunch.

I awkwardly pass by my parents as my Dad looks at the newspaper and my Mom looks at her phone. I check the cupboard and find some sugary cereal, perfect. I groan as I look into my fridge and I see the only milk we have is almond milk (one of my moms diet crazes I'm assuming). After pouring myself a bowl I head back upstairs and after finishing my breakfast I add my half eaten bowl to the collection of dirty dishes on my end table.

I hear someone walking upstairs and soon my door swings open revealing my Mom.

"Sasha this is just truly disgusting." My mom says as her heels clack against my wooden floor.

"I'm sorry, you know how it's been." I said refusing to make eye contact.

"How it's been?" My mom said in an insulted tone.

"Yeah I um," I say under my breath.

"All I see is the expensive clothes I've bought you wrinkled collecting dust, along with those rancid dishes you're sitting beside." She said strictly

"I understand, I'm sorry I've let it get this bad." I say while fidgeting with my hands

"Look I don't know what happened to you but whoever this is she isn't my Sasha." My Mom said as she left the door open walking down the hall

After my Mom left and the nervous feeling I get around her died down I glanced at my room. My mom was right in which it was a complete disaster. I started by taking the heap of nasty dishes down to the dishwasher and also making organized piles of my clothes. It was nowhere near clean but it was a start.

I decided what I wanted to do with my day. First I wanted to get out of this boring house. I looked out my blinds again to see my Dad had left already which meant I didn't have to talk to him. I got my pink slippers on, ran downstairs again, and stepped out the front door.

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