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"Ha ha, very funny"

"What? You don't like it?" Oliver chuckled, "We're practically twins now"

"Plus, you said I was the one without a mask, so here I am- with a mask" Oliver pulled off the cardboard mask he had coloured himself. If he was truthful, it did come out looking pretty good. He took the mask in his hand and held it up next to Spider-man's face. The mask looked amazingly like the real mask.

"Did you make it yourself?"

"Yup. I didn't even know I had elastic until I found it" Oliver dropped into the empty space next to Spidey. The two of them were sitting on top of a building across the street from Delmar's. Oliver had come there first and spotted his friend.

"What happened to your hands?" Spidey reached out with his fingers, eyes trained on Oliver's bandaged hands and forearm. Oliver retracted his hands. Concern. Spidey was concerned. But Oliver didn't want to talk about it. He had never talked about dysphoria to anyone, not even Bucky. Sure he talked about being trans, but dysphoria is the ugly side of being trans. Oliver didn't think anyone could understand it if they didn't go through it themselves.

Plus, technically the cuts weren't because of dysphoria.

"The mirror" He lied. "Fucking fell down. I cut myself picking up the pieces"

Ok, so not a complete lie. It was actually because he's a mess. A pathetic mess. Who the fuck just punches a mirror?

Oliver waved off Spidey's concern, time for a topic change.

"Also, props to you on finding the one building without a lift"

"A what?"

"Er.. a lift?"

"You mean an elevator" Spider-man looked at him with an expression Oliver could only describe as American horror.

"No, I mean a lift." Oliver glared back. "Americans" He scoffed.

"Europeans" Spidey imitated Oliver's tone, causing him to let out a bark of laughter.

"You're insufferable"

"No, I'm very sufferable. Hence, you're sitting here beside me"

"I'm actually debating leaving" Oliver crossed his arms. He was lying, of course. The view from the roof wasn't that great, all they could see were more buildings and people, but Oliver had always found people fascinating.

He could probably sit here for hours and talk.

"Yeah, I'm thinking of leaving too. Haven't seen much crime here"

"How long have you been here?"

"Not too long, came here straight from school" Spidey reached over and took the cardboard mask from Oliver's hands, brushing his fingers in the process. Oliver knew it wasn't even skin on shin contact, but it sent a shiver through him. Gods, what had he gotten himself into?

"I actually wouldn't be surprised if everyone at your school already knew you're Spider-man"

The other boy gave a dramatic gasp, "Why do you have so little faith in me?"

"I bet you do dumb stuff like using your powers in school or start swinging as soon as you step out-" Oliver meant all of it as a joke, but couldn't help bursting out laughing when Spidey actually looked down in shame, "No! Tell me you don't-"

"It was only one time-"

"Oh my god" Oliver bent over, his stomach actually hurting. "Tell me, are all Americans idiots or is it just the ones at your school?"

"Hey! I'll have you know I go to Midtown school of science and technology and I get straight As"

"Spidey-" Oliver raised his eyebrows, "We talked about this"

"Oh." The eyes on his mask widened as he realised hwat he had just said, "Shit"

"You're literally the worst superhero" Oliver shook his head.

"But I have a fan!"

He looked down at the mask in his hands and handed it back to Oliver. Oliver could only imagine the grin on his face at that moment.

"Come on" Oliver got up, clearing his throat, hoping there was no indication of his feelings on his face, "the friendly neighbourhood spider-man needs to help people to be considered a hero, not just sit talking to people"

"I do help people"

"Oh yeah?"

"I.. there was this one grandpa with the heavy groceries..." Spidey got to his feet too. Oliver was starting to grow fond of Spidey's rambling tendencies. So what, the information about the run away dog was useless? The way Spidey narrated it with enthusiasm, laughing half the time, with his hands flying in all directions... oh and the voices, Oliver liked all of it. "-And then I was like- whaaaat and he was all-"

By the end of the day, Oliver had almost forgotten about the dysphoria plaguing him. Almost.

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