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Bucky jumped over Oliver who was bent over, grabbing the other man's gun with his metal arm. He twisted it and the man dropped it surprisingly. 

But Oliver couldn't focus on them, his own opponent was getting up. 

"Bitch" The man spat

"I prefer bastard, actually" And here he thought he was passing. 

The yelling citizens all moved to the part of the train carriage which was the furthest away from them. Good. At least they were smart enough to stay away. 

While Bucky was relentless with his punches, one after the other even though the man was already bloody, Oliver was planting his feet on the side of the train, the the ceiling before lowering himself behind the man with a front flip and kicking him in the back of the knees. 

With his height lowered, Oliver wrapped his legs around the man's head and with all the force in his legs, flipped over so the man flew over him and landed on a seat, upside down. 

"Wow, I can't believe I pulled that off" Oliver panted, getting up and holding up his fist for a fist bump like he had seen a couple of teenagers do. 

"Kind of busy here" Bucky grunted, landing a couple of punches and catching the other man's hand before twisting it into a fist and making the man fist bump Oliver. "here"

"So cool"

Oliver's opponent took his sweet time getting up, by then the boy was already rolling his eyes. "If you moved any slower, people would think you were a wax statue"

Then he charged. Uh oh. 

Within seconds, Oliver's legs were wrapped around his waist from where he managed to hold the man's head firmly in his hands. With his eyebrows drawn tight and a quick movement later, Oliver jumped away from the dead man who crumpled to the ground. 

"You— you just—" There was an old woman who looked so terrified she couldn't even form her words. 

"We just saved you" Oliver offered. 

"—hurt those poor men!" 

"Wait what?"

Something whooshed past Oliver's ear, and he had just enough time to process that it was a knife and it was thrown from behind him. It was probably meant for him, but of course the blind shit head couldn't aim which was why the knife was moving towards the little girl Oliver had seen before. 

It was moving straight for her princess t-shirt. 

With absolutely no regard for his own safety, Oliver called out to the metal in the knife. It was fluid to him, he could bend it, change the shape or direction, he chose the latter. 

The knife curved through the air as if it had a mind of it's own. It narrowly missed a passenger before coming straight at Oliver. 

The poor guy was exhausted, at first he could only control metal to a very small extent, mostly just coins and even then, just curving a knife made him weak in the knees. The train seemed to be spinning, or was that just him?

All he knew was he was roughly pushed aside before the knife made contact with something or rather someone. The sickening noise of the metal entering Bucky's body snapped Oliver out of his own pain. 

The man's pink hoodie was quickly becoming red as he staggered on his feet. 

"Fuck" Oliver didn't know what to say. "Fuck, Buddy you good?"

"Yeah, I am— But we need to go"

He was clearly not good. 

Soon the compartment was a buzzing with people talking in different languages, all trying to call the police while trying to stay away from Bucky and Oliver. Bucky fell back onto one of the seats and Oliver thought he heard a high pitched scream, or maybe it was his own. 

"No, no, no, no, you're not going to die"

"I'm not" Bucky grabbed his arm. "But we need to get out of here before the police arrives"

"It's a moving train, how can we—"

That question was quickly answered when Bucky smashed a window with the metal pole. 

"Oh, Okay"

Bucky wrapped his hand around Oliver's waist before jumping out of the train. 

Bucky had told him something about hating trains and having a history of falling out of them, so Oliver wasn't sure if he was thinking of past nightmarish memories. 

Bucky cradled him to his chest, absorbing most of the impact. Still, Oliver's chin hit Bucky's metal bicep once or twice making his teeth sink into his lips and filling his mouth with blood. 

He had survived worse though, and he worried more about Bucky— specifically the wound in his friend's stomach. 

Eventually they rolled to a stop and neither moved. 

By the time Oliver got to his feet, the train was a speck in the distance, moving further and further away. He couldn't make out any large structures but they were surrounded by grassy fields for as far as he could see. 

"They're still following us" He frowned, spitting out a few blades of grass. His expression returned to concern when he looked back at Bucky. He frowned a little, looking away and blinking fast hoping his companion wouldn't be able to see his tears. 

Oliver swallowed. What was this thing he was feeling? It was something like regret. Guilt perhaps. He had never felt guilty before. But the knife was meant for him, both times— when the HYDRA hunk threw it and when he curved it. 

But Bucky just had to be a hero. 

Oliver sighed, getting up. What would he do without Bucky? He offered the bleeding man his hand. "I thought they would've stopped" 

"They won't. Not until we're both dead"

"Which I'm not going to let happen" Oliver decided firmly, draping Bucky's hand around his shoulders, helping him stand up. "and thanks for.... you know what" He looked down at Bucky's pink hoodie which was now half red. But Bucky didn't look that bothered by it. 

"It's fine"

"It's obviously not" Oliver gave him an unimpressed look. He many have been acting calm and collected, but there was a sliver of panic among all the guilt. His blue eyes narrowed as he frowned and tried to swallow the lump in his throat. 

He couldn't deny the fact that this was his fault. 

Bucky was hurt because of him. 

"Maybe not. Just no hospitals"

"No hospitals" Oliver agreed. 

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