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"Mr. Delmar!"

Spider-man seemed far too chipper considering their journey to Mr. Delmar's sandwich shop. While Oliver clutched his chest desperately, the thumping of his heart clear in his ears, Spidey was ordering for them. 

"-Um.. I don't actually know your name" Spidey waved his hand in front of Oliver's face, trying to get his attentione. "Hey! Hello! Are you okay?" Oliver, ever the casual one, managed a small smile and thumbs up without throwing up. 

The swinging wasn't so bad actually, just very fast, and cold, and unreliable. Oliver decided he never wanted to do that again. 

"-Dude- do you have any allergies? Dislikes? Do you like pickles?"

Perhaps the Spider-man Oliver had a crush on was a much more idealised version of him in his head. The real Spidey, however, was nothing like that. He talked a mile per minute, it was actually starting to be a little annoying. Not to mention his habit of caring about people, how embarrassing. 

"Here you go" 

He handed the sandwich to Oliver, who had already seated himself at one of the tables. The world had stopped spinning, which he considered to be a good omen. And his heartbeat had returned to somewhat of a normal pace, so Oliver was trying to relax. 

"Thank you" Oliver said because that seemed like something a normal person might say. 

A couple moments later, Spider-man seemed to run into a bit of a problem. "Uh.. shit"

"And he swears?" Oliver said sarcastically, to which Spidey flipped him off. 

The red and blue spider looked around the shop, seeming to notice that there were no other customers and even Mr. Delmar and his employees were cleaning up, busy in their own world. They hadn't seemed that shocked when Spider-Man ordered a sandwich so Oliver assumed it was a regular occurrence. Either that or they just didn't care. 

"Don't make this into a big deal" He said before he rolled up his mask, just until his mouth was visible. 

Oliver raised his eyebrows but didn't say anything else. He wondered what it would be like to be so blissfully ignorant to the dangers of the world, to be so naïve that you trusted almost anyone. He wanted to grab Spidey by his shoulders and shake him until he came to his senses. Of course you shouldn't go around showing half your face to practically anyone. That's like rule number 1 of being a superhero with a secret identity. It seemed like Spider-Man didn't much care for the secret part of the secret identity. 

Hell, based solely on his lips, Oliver could probably find out everything about Spider-Man. Those lips, Oliver could feel himself get distracted, though he did nothing to stop it. Damn, and here he thought Europeans had thin lips. But they looked soft and pink, Oliver wondered what they felt like despite himself. 

He assumed (correctly) that he might be looking weird, staring at Spider-Man while the other devoured his sandwich as if he hadn't eaten all day. So he looked away. 


"What?" Spidey paused while eating. He was chewing on a bite so his word was muffled, though it wasn't hard to decipher it. He swallowed it quickly and repeated his question. 

"Um.. my name. My name is Oliver" He should've lied, but he couldn't bring himself to. After all, Spider-Man had trusted him with seeing half his face after just seeing each other twice. Providing his name was the least he could do. And as he had said before, it wasn't as if he had any legal records, so it was extremely unlikely that he could be tracked down. 

The regret pooling in his stomach vanished as soon as Spidey grinned, Oliver wasn't sure he had ever seen anyone smile as wide as that. And over something as trivial as his name. 

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