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They managed to gather themselves and rush to the rest of Team Cap on the runway.

A fizzing beam of energy sliced across the runway right in front of Oliver, Steve, Bucky, Clint, Wanda, Scott and Sam as they were trying to get to the quinjet. 

"You find floating knives weird but a floating red man with energy beams is normal?" Oliver frowned at Sam. 

"Captain Rogers. I know you believe what you're doing is right. But for the collective good you must surrender now." The red man in question lowered himself to the ground slowly as he was joined by the other members of Tony's team. 

It was seven against six, but with the Vision on the other side, Oliver was starting to doubt himself especially considering that he was having  trouble breathing and because he had already used his powers once. He didn't think he could be of any more help. 

The two teams just stared at each other or at Tony and Steve. 

"What do we do, Cap?" Sam asked. 

"We fight."

With that, they all started striding towards each other with grim determination on their faces. Oliver couldn't believe what he had gotten himself into. Their strides turned into jogs and the jogs into a run. He could hear his blood rushing in his ears. But he had to fight... for Bucky. 

Then the two sides clashed. 

There was a flurry of movement and noise all around him but Oliver paid no attention to any of that. If there was ever a time he needed to do his best, it was now. With a deep breath, he slipped into his red room mode. He only saw his opponent and thought only about how to take them down, nothing else mattered. 

Spider-Man tried to take to the air, but he only managed to make it a few meters until Oliver aimed for his web and threw his knife. It sliced through the web perfectly, leaving Spidey to fall and land rather harshly. 

"Round two?" The other boy asked. 

Oliver didn't bother responding, 

Spidey threw forward his hand hoping to land a punch. But Oliver intercepted it and twisted the guy's arm back. He raised his right leg until he had the back of Spidey's neck firmly in his grasp before pushing down with all his might. He just wanted to win, he wanted Spider-Man to lose. 

The move worked in his favor. 

Spider-Man rolled forward, a small gasp of surprise leaving his lips. Oliver flipped too but he landed gracefully. Perfect as always. 

Even then he didn't stop. 

Before Spidey could get to his feet, Oliver grabbed his shoulder roughly. He was overcome with hatred, for whom or what- it didn't matter. For now, Spider-Man was his enemy. Without thinking anymore, Oliver drove his knee into the other boy's back as hard as he could. He couldn't hear it but he hoped he had hit a rib. 

The thought struck him like a bolt of lightning. 

He couldn't believe himself. Just a couple minutes ago, he was chatting with the boy animatedly. And yes, Spider-Man was just a boy no matter how mature he wanted to seem. Where had such hatred even come from?

Was winning the fight even worth slipping back into his old self? If left unchecked would he go back to how he used to be? This fight was among friends, Oliver had no place here other than to help Bucky. He shouldn't be so harsh. He was pretty sure they wouldn't take kindly to him if he caused someone actual harm. 

This wasn't even the real fight. It was simply a level for them to get to the real fight. All of this... why? Just for a plane?

But Oliver knew they were past civility. 

He cursed himself for being distracted. The world seemed to move quickly as his foot was pulled from under him. Before he knew it, he was looking at the blue sky, a dull ache throughout his body. 

He blocked the incoming kick easily. But he couldn't get up until some force grabbed Spider-Man and pushed him away from Oliver. 

By the time Oliver got to his feet, he could see the red wisps of Wanda's magic that threw his opponent as far as she could from him. He looked to his right, his face red from embarrassment. Oliver nodded, thanking her before turning and running away. 

It was kind of his "thing". Running. Not that he minded fighting. 

It was just that running always seemed so much easier and less pain causing. But this was a fight he couldn't run from. 

Oliver registered some movement in the corner of his eye. He almost laughed out loud when he saw it was Bucky and how comically he had been thrown. The boy made a mental note of teasing Bucky about it later. 

For now, his friend needed him. 

Sharp metal claws emerged from the Black Panther's suit as he bent in his knees slightly— as if he was getting ready to pounce. 

Oliver counted himself lucky because of the nature of his powers. In a modern world, metal is everywhere— in the pipes running beneath them, in the multiple planes that surrounded them, in the weapons both sides wielded and most importantly— in the Black Panther's suit. 

Oliver had never cared to figure out much about his powers. It was just something that happened, something he did consciously— like flexing an arm or moving a leg. Before the man in the cat suit knew what was happening, he was being lifted through the air and flung as far as Oliver could manage before he collapsed. 

It was like a stabbing pain, except he didn't know where it originated from. It was familiar, but not welcome. Oliver hated thinking about the last time he had overexerted himself. He hoped that's not what he had just done. 

Within seconds Bucky was by his side. 

"Oliver?" He sounded so worried, too worried for someone he had known for only a year. How had they formed such a close bond in so little time?

Bucky shook him by his shoulders until Oliver was forced to look upwards. Their eyes met. Oliver had a strange urge to pretend he was fine. He didn't like the worried look on Bucky's face. The older man looked devastated, no doubt remembering the last time this had happened. 

"I'm fine" The boy croaked, waving away Bucky's concern. He coughed a little. The pain still hadn't gone away. Some fighter he was, lying on a runway in his friend's arms. "My only regret.. is that I didn't catch your face as you were thrown on camera"

A small smile cracked on Bucky's face. Oliver smiled too, satisfied that Bucky didn't look worried anymore. 

"You bastard"

"I could do with some vodka right about now" Oliver shrugged Bucky's hand off himself. Even though he was fine with occasional contact, he could never be comfortable when someone was touching him. Slowly he got to his feet. 

"You're fifteen—"

"I basically grew up in Russia, bold of you to assume I've never consumed alcohol" Oliver stopped for a moment to survey his surroundings. In the distance he saw Steve against Spider-Man, to which he raised an eyebrow. "Come on, Bella. Can't stay chatting forever"

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