After Story Stinger

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I tinker on a newer version of my suit when I hear S.A.M's voice.

S.A.M: "We need to talk Y/N."

I swivel to my computer.

Y/N: "What is it?"

S.A.M: "I was reviewing the footage from the reactor fight."

Y/N: "And?"

S.A.M: "I checked the reactor's readings and found something interesting."

I lean forward.

S.A.M: "Turns out the reactor released more than radiation. It also released an unprecedented amount of raw energy."

Y/N: "What kind of energy?"

S.A.M: "One that expelled all the way past our planet. I theorize it sent out a kind of signal."

Y/N: "A signal huh? That begs the question, who would respond?"

A ring is heard.

S.A.M: "Were you expecting company?"

Y/N: "No, why?"

S.A.M: "Because there's someone at the front door."

I switch to the front door camera. I see a man is tattered clothing. I press a button activating the speaker.

Y/N: "Can I help you?"

He looks directly at the camera.

Man: "I'm looking for Y/N L/N."

Y/N: "Why?"

Man: "Not only yours, but every known world is in mortal danger."

Y/N: "How do I know you're not just some kind of scammer?"

He teleports as I hear a whoosh. Turning I see him standing only a few feet away from me.

Y/N: "Who are you?"

John: "My name's John McKnight. And I'm on a mission to gather allies."

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