Walking Down The Street

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I break from everyone to gather my sap. But as my jar reaches halfway I'm yanked onto my back. Cardin then pins me down with his foot.

Cardin: "You think you're so clever don't you?"

Y/N: "I mean compared to you. Anyone can be considered a genius."

I smile as he kicks my jaw sending me onto my chest.

Cardin: "You really make me sick. You think just because you have all the money in the world you're better than everyone else."

He grabs the back of my head lifting my face off the ground. 

Cardin: "You may be some big shot back home. But here, you're a nobody. Dirt has more worth than you."

Y/N: "Anybody tell you you're an asshole?"

He slams my face onto the ground.

Y/N: "Seems as though I struck a nerve. What's wrong Cardin? Did daddy not love you enough?"

Cardin: "Shut up!"

He punches my face sending me once more onto my back. He then cracks his knuckles.

Cardin: "I'm really gonna enjoy punching you."

I smile which only makes him angrier. As he reels back his fist he's frozen solid. 

Y/N: "I was wondering when you'd show up."

I stand up facing Weiss.

Weiss: "Shut up."

Y/N: "What took you so long?"

Weiss: "I would've been here sooner. But I was enjoying watching Cardin hit you."

Y/N: "You really are ice cold."

Weiss: "Only to you."

I roll my eyes collecting my jar. A couple days later I walk down the streets of Vale with team RWBY.

Ruby: "Why're you smiling so much Weiss?"

Weiss: "Why aren't you smiling? There's gonna be everything from games to a full scale tournament. The planning alone is breath taking."

Yang: "Explain why we're here on a Friday."

Weiss: "Apparently students from other academies are set to be arriving today. So I feel as though I should welcome them."

Blake: "That or you just wanna spy on them so you're aware of their fighting style."

Weiss: "You can't prove that."

Ruby: "What happened there?"

We look to see a store that's clearly been broken into. We walk to it.

Yang: "What happened here?"

Officer: "Another poor store was hit. That's the second one this month."

Officer2: "They left the dust and money again."

Ruby: "Then what'd they take?"

Officer: "They scrubbed the servers. My guess is that it was corporate theft."

I speak quietly into my earpiece.

Y/N: "Wasn't this one of the stores we financed?"

S.A.M: "Yes."

Y/N: "Look into the incident. Something isn't right."

S.A.M: "On it."

Man: "Stop him!"

We look to see a boy with a monkey tail running away from some cops.

Weiss: "We must study him!!!"

We run after said boy. But when we round a corner we see him go over a building.

Weiss: "That no good animal got away."

I sigh, here it comes.

Blake: "Don't call him that. He's a person like us."

Weiss: "I wouldn't compare us to lowly criminals."

Blake: "Little brat."

They walk away arguing. Meanwhile I head to my workshop to put on the final touches of project 57-826. As I upload a copy of S.A.M's code I lean back in my chair.

S.A.M: "It's just about complete. But it could use some color."

Y/N: "I was just thinking that. But what do I wanna use?"

I think when my scroll dings. Looking I see a message from Ruby.

Ruby: "Blake just ran away. Can you help us search tomorrow?"

I text back.

Y/N: "Sure. We'll look first thing in the morning."

Ruby: "Thank you Y/N."

Y/N: "No worries."

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