Leaving Atlas

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I arrive at Jacques' office. I take a seat at his desk.

Jacques: "There he is. My favorite son."

I roll my eyes.

Y/N: "What's this all about Jacques?"

Jacques: "I just wanted to see how you were doing. You haven't been calling."

Y/N: "What can I say? I've got a company to run."

Jacques: "I know."

He walks to his shelf looking at a picture. Said picture is me and the entire Schnee family.

Jacques: "Time sure does fly, doesn't it Y/N?"

Y/N: "Yep."

Jacques: "Seems like only yesterday you were welcomed into my mansion. You were only a kid."

I groan seeing where he's going with this.

Jacques: "Y/N L/N. The only child of the great M/N and F/N L/N. Great people who tragically died during a terrorist attack. Though they were gone they left the mighty L/N corporation. The biggest provider of metal and other raw materials."

Y/N: "A truly sad tale. But what's the point Jacques?"

Jacques: "My business is struggling Y/N. I predict I'll be bankrupt in the next five years. Which is why I need your help. Let me in on your little project. At least enough to keep my company going."

I sigh, so that's why he called me here. He needs money.

Y/N: "Like I've been telling everyone, it's not ready. Besides. The last time I let you in on a project I ended up having to shut down an entire mine. A lot of people lost their jobs."

Jacques: "I've apologized a thousand times. I had the best intentions."

Y/N: "But it's like my dad said. The path to hell is paved with good intentions."

Jacques: "He was a wise man. But this time it'll be different. I've gone over the numbers hundreds of thousands of times. It'll be different."

I groan internally. I then stand up handing him a card.

Y/N: "Your max is half a million. Go over and I'll pull all funding."

Jacques: "I promise you won't regret this."

Y/N: "I better not."

I exit his office walking through the manor. But along the way I encounter one Willow Schnee.

Y/N: "Hey Willow."

She runs hugging me.

Willow: "How's my favorite son?"

Y/N: "Fine. Just takin care of business."

Willow: "That's good."

She breaks the hug.

Y/N: "Speaking of business. How's yours doing?"

Willow: "Very well. We've just had our best quarter yet."

Y/N: "That's amazing."

Willow: "It's all thanks to you."

I smile thinking back to that day.

Y/N: "I was only repaying you for taking such great care of me."

Willow: "Still. Without your help I fear I'd be living out on the streets."

My scroll dings. I look at it.

Y/N: "Sorry to cut our reunion short but business calls."

She hugs me one last time.

Willow: "Take good care of yourself. Please, for me."

I smile returning her hug.

Y/N: "I will."

I make my way back home. The next day I pack a bag when I hear S.A.M's voice.

S.A.M: "The airship is here."

Y/N: "Thanks."

Closing my bag I enter the airship. I take my seat looking out the window.

S.A.M: *in earpiece* "Your stuff has arrived at Beacon."

Y/N: "What about my workshop?"

S.AM: "All equipment has been installed."

Y/N: "Good."

Voice: "Hello."

I look forward to see two girls. One in red and one in yellow.

Y/N: "Hi."

Ruby: "I'm Ruby. And this' my sister Yang."

Yang: "Sup."

I hold out my hand.

Y/N: "Name's Y/N L/N."

Their eyes widen.

Yang: "Wait, L/N? As in the L/N?

Ruby: "The heir to the L/N corporation?"

Y/N: "That'd be me."

Ruby: "What're you doing going to a small school like Beacon? Wouldn't you feel more at home at like Atlas or something?"

Y/N: "Nah. I grew up there so I figured somewhere else would be good."

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