Records Building

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I head inside the records building. Heading to a secret room I exit my suit and log onto the computer.

Y/N: "Alright let's see what's been happening."

I pull up the cameras. Looking through them I see Grimm have been circling the building for weeks. I fast forward when I notice a section of the camera time is missing.

Y/N: "That's odd. What're you hiding?"

I isolate the gap and send it to S.A.M.

Y/N: "I'm sending you some footage S.A.M. See if you can work your magic."

S.A.M: "Will do."

My scroll begins to ring.

Y/N: "Hello?"

Ruby: "Y/N, we need some help. There's more Grimm than we anticipated."

Y/N: "I'll be right there."

I slip into my suit and head to the others. Upon arriving I see them in the midst of fighting a sizable group of Grimm. I aim my palm blasters taking out two Beowolves. I spin firing a beam from the H.E.A.R.T. It takes out a charging Ursa Major. 

A Deathstalker swings its pincer sending me flying through three trees. I deploy a small gun from my shoulder. It launches a small blast at the Deathstalker. But upon contact the Deathstalker instantly evaporates into dust.

I turn seeing a Nevermore raining down its feathers at Weiss. I zip to her aiming my palm blasters. Blast after blast the feathers are shot to pieces. When the last one goes down I launch a small grenade from my wrist. It hits the Nevermore exploding it to kingdom come.

Weiss: "Thanks."

Y/N: "No problem."

Ruby: "Heads up!!!"

I blindly fire a beam from my palm. A roar is heard but is quickly shut up. I look at the others as they regroup.

Yang: "That seems to be the last of them."

Blake: "So what do we do now?"

Ruby: "The sun's getting kinda low. So I vote we make camp for the night. Then maybe tomorrow we can head back to Beacon."

Weiss: "Sounds like a plan."

We make up camp. While everyone chills around the campfire I tinker on my suit. I'm soon joined by Weiss.

Weiss: "Hey."

I smile.

Y/N: "Hi."

She looks at the suit.

Weiss: "So what're you doing?"

Y/N: "Just going over some designs."

She takes a seat next to me.

Weiss: "Have you thought about making any upgrades?"

Y/N: "I have a whole list of things I could upgrade. The top one is finding a way to make it to where the suit can encompass me. That why I don't have to always slip into it."

She puts her hand on her chin.

Weiss: "That would make changing easier. Sounds like you've got one heck of a homework assignment ahead of you."

Y/N: "I sure do."

Yang: "It's time for bed!"

I put my suit in standby and head to bed. As I lay on my back Weiss snuggles close to me. The next day we make our way back to Beacon where we watch the Vytal Festival. But while everyone watches I tinker in my workshop. Typing away on the keyboard I upload the final line of code for the fusion reactor. 

Y/N: "Moment of truth."

I take a deep breath and press enter. 

S.A.M: "Fusion reactor activated. Processing data."

I hold my breath.

S.A.M: "System holding. Fusion reactor online."

I sigh in relief.

Y/N: "Thank goodness."

I smile when my computer goes to static.

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