- Chapter 6 - Carol Of The Bells -

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[ "Do you have any regrets, Childe?" 

"I don't see them as regrets. But rather, things that I could have done, but refused to do so.......not for the sake of my own ego or pride. It's for my family and to protect them, from the demon that haunts me at the darkest of nights." 

"If you could tell something to your younger self before you fell to the Abyss, what would you say?" 

"I would tell him........that I'm sorry, I failed to save him."] 


"Once upon a time, in a faraway land, lived a women who longed for a child. With skin as white as rose and lips as red as crimson blood. Soon enough, she gave birth to a beautiful girl and named her after her unearthly beauty. But things took a left turn and because of how stunning Snow White looked, a wicked step-mother began to twist and coil in jealousy. Sending a huntsmen to have her murdered, the men somehow disobeyed direct orders and decided to let Snow White escape. After some time, the wicked witch soon discovers that the princess had survived the murder attempt from the Huntsmen, so she disguises herself as an old lady. Meeting up with Snow White, she gave the beautiful princess an apple that was shiny and red. Trading her comb for the apple to the lady, Snow White accepted the apple and took a bite which led her being poisoned and sent into a deep sleep."

When was the last time this fairytale has been told to him during his bedtime, Childe could no longer recall. The only thing on his mind was the chilling cold that bit into his skin as he carried a huge stack of chopped wood on his back, tied with some rope. He walked through a thick haze of snowfall, blurring some of his vision. He had lost all sense of time, including every single drop of his rationality and understanding of the reality outside. Home, I have to get home.....he silently begged himself, quickening the pace. A snowstorm was coming and he has to collect enough fir wood to keep the fire going, keeping warm in the most brutal of weather conditions should be a basic survival skill for all Fatui members. As he looked up, there was a strange figure that appeared to him, dressed in a ragged outfit. He seemed to be limping on his feet, completely exhausted from all the trouble. Childe stopped in his tracks, watching the man draw closer towards him. Plumes of nasty blue smoke poured out of his mouth, fading away instantly by the strong wind. Unable to speak since his lips were almost frozen solid, Childe could only wave a hand at the stranger, hoping to get a response. Instead, the other man only pulled out from his cloak, an apple. It was seemingly normal, with it's glistening red color that stood out like a beacon amidst the blizzard of snow and white haze. It almost sparkled and Childe, his mind clouded with no thoughts at all, being blinded by the madness of Abyssal power, reached out to the apple. He was dead starving and craving for food, taking a bite of the fruit right away. Shiny golden liquid spilled out and he tasted it, the most sweetest thing that has ever crossed his lips. He was startled by it, pulling away. Realizing his mistake at such a simple illusion, he tossed the apple away. The stranger smirked, pulling his hood up and laughed at Childe who crumpled down into agony and terror. The Imposter was having the time of his life, together with Childe that is now nothing but a victim to the chains of his own nightmares. Further and further down the spiral of madness he goes, his screams unheard of as even more insanity embraces him in it's claws. 

"Please stop, I've had enough!" Childe cried out in plea, tears welling up in his desperate bloodshot eyes. "I'm sick of this, I can't take it anymore!" 

"This is all your fault, you poor thing!" The Imposter hissed at him, sending shivers of fear into his panicking mind. "A nightmare where you will never wake up, for all eternity! We have a deal now, and you will never be able to escape from me!" 

The Harbinger yelled back in raging heart-break, his voice cracked and hoarse. "So what? I don't care about my past sins anymore, you can have me atone to them for all I care! But what do you think is going to happen if I kill myself, huh?! Answer me!" With his Hydro blade in one hand, Childe brought it near to his neck and the Imposter's eyes widened. " My life has always been a living nightmare ever since I fell into the Abyss, there's nothing for me to live for anymore! Absolutely nothing! I'm just as useless as a pile of wooden sticks! So go ahead, kill me then! Like how you have manipulated me into murdering my own damn siblings! Now they're gone and my hands are covered in blood that doesn't belong to me. I'm a criminal, the most hated person in all of Teyvat! Yeah I get it, I fucking hate myself and I wish I was dead too! Now just do me a favor and take my life if you bloody need it, you monster!" Pouring his heart out, Childe crumpled over and sobbed like a little kid who has been suffering all his life. Lost, torn apart, abused, beaten up without mercy. Childe felt his past torture overwhelming him like an unstoppable flood. It really didn't matter anymore now, did it? Even if he were to remain trap in here forever, at least it would be peaceful for him, despite the hallucinations that tear his mind apart every single time. Has he gotten used to it now? Or is he still beginning to see the true horrors of this never-waking nightmare. 

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